Saturday, May 27, 2023


Hand of Sabazios (by wiki)



Wilhelm Tomaschek - Sabazios - Die Alten Thraker - The Ancient Thracian


Tomaschek writes about a Phrygian / Thracian deity Sabazios. He is always on horse back.
It is not unimportant. Because as a warrior it is easy to depict somebody on a horse and it is never ambiguous.
Savas is a very old Turkic word that was derived from sav/sab meaning "word". In Old Turkic it mens the war. 
There is an other interesting word there in the text above Αθύ παρος (athi paros), a temple name, and if we would translate it to Turkish it would mean "he who has a horse" and Sabazios gets his name from that temple: Ati Parinos. 

About Αθύ παρος I can't find any other information in www.

Isn't it very interesting?

Uzunbacak Adem 

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