Friday, May 26, 2023



Phrygian word οροκα=oroka (progeny, offspring) Link: Phrygian Oroka


Tatilimin son gününde www'de boş gezerken bakın ne buldum:

Frigce οροκα = oroka Yukarıdaki ilk görselde anlamı progeny (oğul) olarak geçerken, 

ikincisinde tam emin değil yazan. Soru işareti koymuş ve obscure (bilemicem) demiş.
Phrygian οροκα Oroka meaning offspring? Link: Phrygian oroka - offspring

Oysa οροκα, Türkçe urug/uruk (torun,soy) ile 1:1 uyumludur.

Bu da mı rastlantı?


English version:

On the last day of my holiday, look what I found while surfing the web:

Phrygian οροκα = oroka
In the first image above, the meaning is progeny (son), surely ,

The second author is not entirely sure. He said the meaning with a question mark and added "obscure" (I don't know).

However, οροκα is 1:1 compatible with Turkish urug/uruk (children, generation).



Uzunbacak Adem 

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