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Gudea-and-his-Karakul-headgear |
Wiki says:
"Karakul or Qaraqul (named after Qorakoʻl, a city in Bukhara Region in Uzbekistan) is a breed of domestic fat-tailed sheep which originated in Central Asia. Some archaeological evidence points to Karakul sheep being raised there continuously since 1400 BC.[1]
Hailing from the desert regions of Central Asia, Karakul sheep are renowned for their ability to forageand thrive under extremely harsh living conditions. They can survive severe drought conditions because they store reserves for lean times as fat in their tails."
Wiki diyor ki özetle:
Orta Asya kaynaklı (şu ana kadarki bilgimize göre) Karakul koyunları, Özbekistan'ın Karagöl bölgesinde M.Ö. 1400 yılından bu yana -devamlı olarak- etinden ve derisinden/tüyünden yararlanılan bir koyun türü.
Koyunun ataları olan 'urial' denen yaban bozkır koyunu.
Bu koyunun derisinden Karakul/Qaraqul kalpağı, Astrakhan şapkası, Özbek kalpağı ve Cinnah kalpağı yapılır.
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Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founding father of Pakistan, wearing Karakul. |
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Leonid Brezhnev wearing Karakul in 1974 |
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Azerbaycan eri (2017) |
Şimdi de bu sayfadaki (yukarıdaki) ilk görsele tekrar bakın.
Brejnev'in ve Azerbaycan erinin kafasındaki kalpak yuvarlak dönerli tüylere sahiptir ve görsellerde bunu görmek zor değildir.
Şimdi Sümer ilini yönetmiş Gudea'nın bir görselini daha bırakayım.
Almanca wiki bile Gudea'nın kalpağının yuvarlak desenli Karakul derisinden yapıldığı düşüncesindedir.
Tekrar bakın:
Şimdi şöyle bir sonuca ulaşmak çok mu yanlış olur?
Şehir dışından gelmiş ve Ur-Baba'nın kızıyla evlenip şehri yönetmiş olan Rahip-Kral Gudea, köklerine çok saygı duyup, onlara sahip çıkan ve bu yüzden Orta Asya bozkırındaki anayurdundan gelen Karakul koyunundan yapılma kalpak mı giyiyordu acaba?
Ya da bu özel kalpağı sadece Orta Asyalı anayurdunu vurgulamak (belki de o zaman savaşçılığın ve iyi yönetimin simgesi olan) ve yönetimini perçinlemek için mi giyiyordu?
Bence hiç de kötü değil benim yorumum..
Güncelleme 24.Mayıs.2024
Ukrayna'daki Tovsta Mohyla kurganından çıkan İskit eserinin üzerindeki karakul koyunu betimlemeleri:
Kurgan - Karakul - Türk - İskit - Sümer bağlantısı.
Bu, adı Türkçe olan kıvırcık saçlı koyunun yününden/derisinden yapılan kalpakları bugün hala Türkler giyiyor, İranlılar değil.
Eskiden, İranlı değil Türk olan İskitler, Karakul koyunu besleyip onun derisininden/yününden yaralanıp, bunları diğer halklara satarlarmış.
Daha eskiden de Gudea adlı Sümerli bir yönetici bu başlığı takarmış!
Daha güzel bir devamlılık mı olur?
Eserin bağlantısı:
Wiki says in summary:
(according to our knowledge so far), Karakul sheep originated in the Karagöl region of Uzbekistan (Central Asia); is a sheep breed whose meat and skin/pelt have been used continuously since 1400 B-C.
The wild steppesheep called 'urial', the ancestors of the sheep (Pic above).
Karakul/Qaraqul cap, Astrakhan cap, Uzbek cap and Jinnah cap are made from the skin of this sheep.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founding father of Pakistan, wearing Karakul (pic above).
Now, slowly coming to our topic:
About 4150 years ago, a young man named Gudea - a non-urbanite -, married Ninalla, the daughter of the Lagash ruler Ur-Baba (2164–2144 BC), thus he managed to enter the Lagash dynasty and ruled the Lagash province of Sumer for a long time. Gudea is referred to as Priest-Prince or Priest-King in the sources. (Can we see a Turkish KUT in its name?)
We know (at least) that the Sumerian elite spoke an Altaic language that did not belong to the Semitic language family, and that this language had parallels with Turkish.
Can we underline this data with some more material evidence?
Let me show you this:
The Karakul's skin and fur are different from those of other sheep and that's why it is special.
In Asia, caps made from the skin of this sheep are still worn.
Let me leave an example from the 20th century below:
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Leonid Brezhnev wearing Karakul in 1974 |
Now let me drop a pic for you with the Azerbaijani Turkish soldier:
The cap on the head of Brezhnev and the Azerbaijani soldier has round spiral feathers and it is not difficult to see this in the images.
Now let me leave you with another image of Gudea, who ruled the province of Sumer.
Even the German wiki admits that Gudea's cap was made of Karakul leather with a circular pattern.
Now, would it be so wrong to reach such a conclusion?
I wonder if the Priest-King Gudea, who came from outside the city and married Ur-Father's daughter and ruled the city, respected and protected his roots very much and therefore wore a cap made of Karakul sheep, which came from his homeland in the Central Asian steppe?
Or did he wear this particular cap simply to emphasize his Central Asian origin/homeland (perhaps a symbol of warriorship and good governance at the time) and to cement his rule?
I think it's not bad at all, my comment...
UPDATE on 24.05.2024
Kurgan - Karakul - Turkish - Scythian - Sumerian connection.
>Golden Pectoral from Tovsta Mohyla:
Today, Turks, not Iranians, still wear the this headgear called kalpak made from the wool/skin of the curly-haired sheep (KARAKUL), whose name is Turkish.
In the past, the Scythians (Turks and not Persians) fed the Karakul sheep, used its skin/wool (too) and probably sold it to other peoples (we can see it obviously on this pectoral).
In a further past, a Sumerian ruler named Gudea used to wear this headgear, too! (see above)
Could there be a better continuity?
Wiki Link:
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