Hand of Sabazios (by wiki) |
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Wilhelm Tomaschek - Sabazios - Die Alten Thraker - The Ancient Thracian |
Akkadian Sumerian Etruscan Turukku ProtoTurkic Proto Turkic Scythian Sarmatian Thracian PreGreek Pre-Greek Carian Sidetic Luwian Lycian Lydian Asianic Kurmali Karoshthi Indus Script Paulys RE Indo European IndoEuropean IndoGerman Etymology Kelime Köken Kelimeköken Turkish Türk Proto Altaic Uralic No Main Stream Ideas No MainsStream Something New No Racism Against EuroCentrism No Euro Centrism! I'm looking at the things through the Turkic window! * Türkic names in Pliny Strabon Homer Pauly RE
Hand of Sabazios (by wiki) |
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Wilhelm Tomaschek - Sabazios - Die Alten Thraker - The Ancient Thracian |
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Koduz - Turkic Runes (From Tonyukuk Stone) |
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Kotys (Ancient Greek: Κότυς Kótys) versus Turkic Kotuz |
Kotys Antik Yunanca: Κότυς Kótys, adının kökeni bilinmeyen bir Trakya tanrıçasıdır.
Wiki'ye göre:
"Kotys adının, Eski İskandinav Höðr "savaş, katliam"a benzer şekilde "savaş, katliam" anlamına geldiğine inanılıyor."
Başka bir teklifim var!
Kadın veya dul anlamına gelen Eski Türkçe Koduz/Kotuz'a bakın.
Kotys Ancient Greek: Κότυς Kótys is a Thracian goddess with an unknown etymology.
Acc. to wiki:
"The name Kotys is believed to have meant "war, slaughter", akin to Old Norse Höðr "war, slaughter"."
I have an other proposal!
Look at Old Turkic Koduz/Kotuz meaning woman or widow.
I give a whole word and not an reconstructed stem.
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Phrygian word οροκα=oroka (progeny, offspring)
Link: Phrygian Oroka
Tatilimin son gününde www'de boş gezerken bakın ne buldum:
Frigce οροκα = oroka Yukarıdaki ilk görselde anlamı progeny (oğul) olarak geçerken,![]() |
Phrygian οροκα Oroka meaning offspring? Link: Phrygian oroka - offspring |
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Wilhelm Tomaschek - Die Alten Thraker - Skalme Skelis Skellis Skilas - sword |
Tomaschek writes a Thracian word σχάλμη / SKALME
It means knife or/and sword.
He adds names of Thracian origin like Skelis, Skellis, Skilas. An at the end he writes the Kurdish word Kalme/Kalma, meaning sword.
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Link: Kurdish Kalme for Sword |
I looked at the words Skilas, Skellis, Skelis and thought immediately of Turkic kılıç, meaning sword.
Tomaschek Trakça bir kelime yazıyor σχάλμη / SKALME
Bıçak ve/veya kılıç anlamına gelir, diyor.
Skelis, Skellis, Skilas gibi Trak kökenli isimleri ekler yanlarına. Sonunda, kılıç anlamına gelen Kürtçe Kalme/Kalma kelimesini yazar. (2. görsel).
Skilas, Skellis, Skelis kelimelerine bakınca ve hemen Türkçe kılıç geldi aklıma.
Proto-Altay kökünden: *kằle: bıçak, kesmek için. (3. görsel)
kıl-: yapmak, yapmak.(4. görsel)
İkisi de mümkün diyebilirim.
Tomaschek başta S'yi umursamadan, Kürtçe kalme (Kılıç için bkz. 2. resim) Trakça Skalme'ye olur derse, Türk kılıcı da olur diyebilirim. Bu bastaki S-Mobile denilen Hint-Avrupa dil özelliği olabilir.
Update 8.2.2024:
Jelme (Yelme), Proto-Türkçe'de bıçak ağzı / kılıcın üst kısmı anlamına gelir. Trakça Skalme ile de bir paraleliği olabilir!
Jelme (Yelme) means in Proto-Turkic a blade / upper part of a sabres. There could be a parallel to Thracian Skalme, too!
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My comparison of Linear A versus Turkic Runes |
Linear A is older than Turkic officially but was there any movement from the west to the east?(Mediterranean region to Central Asia)
When was the junction?
Who, whom?
Benim Linear A / LinearA ve Türk Runlari karsilastirmam.
Çok benzer işaret var.
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μάγαδις - Magadis - a string instrument |
Wilhelm Tomaschek Die Alten Thraker (Antik Traklar) adlı kitabında μάγαδις / magadis adı verilen telli bir çalgıdan bahseder. Bu çalgıyı bulan Magdis adında Trakyalı bir adam. (Kantharos gibi bir Trak çalgısıdır).
20 teli vardır ve bu teller μαγάς (dışbükey sırt) üzerine gerilir. Ayrıca şöyle yazar: Sanatsal olarak birleştirmek anlamına gelen Frigce ma(n)g köküne sahiptir. Tamam. Şimdiye kadar, çok iyi.
Bir de şuraya bakalım:
Türklerde bağlama denilen telli bir çalgı vardır. Bağla- (Eski Türkce bagla-) kökünden türemiştir. İpleri bir gerip bir yere bağlamak gerekir. Bence o Trak çalgısının da kökü bu Türkçe kök olabilir.
> bag ~ mag
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bağlama - baglama |
English Version:
Wilhelm Tomaschek writes in his Book Die Alten Thraker (The Ancient Thracian) about an instrument with strings called μάγαδις / magadis. There is a Thracian man named Magdis as the founder of this instrument. It is a Thracian instrument like Kantharos. It has 20 strings and these strings are stretched on μαγάς (a convex ridge). He writes further: It has the Phrygian root ma(n)g, meaning to join artistically. Ok. So far so good.
The Turks have a string instrument called bağlama. It derives from bağla- = to tie, to bind, to fasten, to bundle. You must "stretch" to tie the strings somewhere. I think it could be the root for that Thracian instrument, too.
Bag ~ mag
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χομήται - Khomite - meaning Capillati in Latin > Young Aristocrats |
Wilhelm Tomaschek'in Die Alten Thraker (Antik Trakyalılar) adlı kitabında ilginç bir sözcük vardır.
χομήται = Khomitai = Khomite, (Daklarda) alt rütbeli soylular.
Bu Trak sözcüğünün etimolojisi için Tomaschek'in bir cevabı yok. Prusya'dan ya da Slavca'dan gelen 2 önermeden ümidini kesiyor...
Benimse bir önerim var:
Eski Türkçe komit- kökü vardır: heyecan ve coşku vermek.
Modern Türkçe KOMUTAN sözcüğü buradan doğmuştur. Tamam KOMUTAN çok yeni bir kelime ama arkasındaki anlam muhtemelen aynı. Trak boy reislerinin oğulları, heyecan ve şevk vererek orduyu hazırlamak için bu işlevi/görevi alıyor olabilirdi.
Teklifimin kesinlikle absürt olmadığını düşünüyorum.
There is an interesting word in Wilhelm Tomaschek's book Die Alten Thraker (The Ancient Thracians)
χομήται = Khomitai = Khomite, meaning (Dacian) nobles of lower rank.
He has no answer for the etymology of this Thracian word. He despairs of 2 propositions from Prussian or Slavic...
I do have a proposal:
There is an Old Turkic stem komıt-: to give excitement and enthusiasm.
Modern Turkic word KOMUTAN (Commander) was born out of that. Ok KOMUTAN is a very new word but the sense behind it is probably the same. The sons of the clan chieftains could have this function/mission to prepare the army by giving excitement and enthusiasm.
I think my proposal is definitely not far fetched.
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Torkosinies - a Thracian hero - Source: Researchgate |
I am reading the book of Wilhelm Tomaschek - Die Alten Thraker nowadays.
I examine many words in this book and it is not easy to read it for me because almost every Thracian word sounds like Turkic words. I have already written about many of them in the last days here on this blog. You can read them if you want.
But now back to our subject:
I saw the Thracian name Torkosinies in a work that I found be researchgate.net ( source Torkosinies ).
(I spin always further, it is my worst habit).
After I read this study I saw the name Dan Dana at the end and his work. He wrote an article about Thracian names, including those with TORC/TURC/TURK.
I have sent him a mail and he answered:
And he sent me his article about the Thracian names that are including the "syllable" Torc, Turk, Torq, Turc, etc. After that I have found his study in www under Thracian names , too. You can read about them from the page 65 on.
I used the Yandex translator, because i can not speak French. You can read it below.
He wrote:
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Kımız - Kymis - Mare Milk - Turkish alcoholic beverage |
In his book tells Wilhelm Tomaschek about a substance used to make love drink. The Thessalian women made a love drink for the their men. Its name is of Thracian origin.
Its name is χήμος (CHIMOS).
I couldn't find in www further information.
Modern day Greek word χῡμός • (khūmós) means simply the juice.
It has etymological difficulties acc. to Wiktionary:
χῡμός • (khūmós) m (genitive χῡμοῦ); second declension
It means "the fluid of the Stomach".
I can not speak Greek but at the end I understand it like that:
χήμος is a kind juice, with a Thracian background and the women used it to make a love drink.
Love drink?
Yes. Love drink to animate the stressed men who should make love with the women?
It should have been an alcoholic drink.
Or am I wrong?
There is an other alcoholic beverage I know that is made of "the juice of animal".
Turkic KIMIZ / KYMIS is an alcoholic beverage that is made of mare milk. It is still being drunk in Central Asia and modern Türkiye.
I have written about it already on this blog!
Read here more:
The name and the meaning of both drinks are very similar to each other.
Don't you think?
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Kamolis-χαμόλης-in-book-Wilhelm Tomaschek-die Alten Thraker |
KAMLI means in Turkish a place where you have a Kam (Kam=Shaman).
Tomaschek gives many other examples that have this stem: Kama/Kamo/Komi/Komo
He proposes the Sanskrit and New Persian stems for that.
It could also be Turkic KAM, meaning Shaman.
There is also KAMU, meaning the all, together.
Kama- means in some dialects (like Kazak) to besiege.
On our pic above (from the book die Alten Thraker / The Ancient Thracian by Wilhelm Tmoaschek) we could see all those 3 Turkic stems.
A toponym KAMIDAVA could be KAMI-D-AVA = OBA (dwelling place) with a KAM. (Letter D could be -t/-d, the plural suffix in Old Turkic).
There is Veste (Castle) called KAMOULIAVA and Turkic it could be an OBA (dwelling place) where everybody live KAMU = all, together.
We don't have to seek the Thracian words in Indo-European languages. Turkic/Turkish could be a good option, too.
I have already wrote about this stem.
Read here: Comosicus - A high priest of Thracians
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Comparison-the Cypriot versus Turkic Runes - Türk Runlari ve Kıbrıs alfabesi |
Ich habe einen Vergleich für Dich vorbereitet.
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