Friday, April 15, 2022


 ἄζωστος  ázostos ‘ungirt’ 

1.6 Hekate ἄζωστον |Tc (Ψ: εὔζωστον West)
Οnly here as a divine epithet (cf. Hes. Op. 345 γείτονες ἄζωστοι). See OracChald. 188, 195; Synes. H. 1.283 ἄζωνοι.

In Turkish language there is a root az- having many meanings like go astray, lose the right way, run riot....

>azış- means intensify, become stronger.

Can there be a relation?

Uzunbacak Adem

source: Πολυώνυμοι A LEXICON OF THE DIVINE EPITHETS IN THE ORPHIC HYMNS - José Marcos Macedo Daniel Kölligan Pedro Barbieri

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