Sunday, April 24, 2022




Herodotus wrote about nomadic 'the BUDINI' who lived east of Don River. Aristoteles wrote that the Budini had a place called Kariskos where they raised BLACK sheep.

I see here 2 Turkic words:

Budin~Budun (the tribesmen) 
Kar/kara~black. Karisyk; KAra and (SIK?)



a Polish scholar attempts an etymological explanation and he found out that their name should mean "tribesmen". 
Budun means simply "tribesmen" in Turkic. 
A very old word. Prof. Osman Karatay wrote about as far as I can remember about this issue in his newest book, too. Interesting?

We come always closer to Scythians' possible Turkic roots with those names like Tauri (Dağ eri = Mountain dwellers) and Budini.

Uzunbacak Adem

Turkish sources:

Gülensoy and Eyuboglu.


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