Saturday, April 9, 2022


Κλαύδιος ΠτολεμαίοςKlaudios Ptolemaios

Batlamyus yaklaşık 1900 yıl önce İskitya’da yaşayan budunların listesini yapmış.

Gözüme ilk çarpan ikisinin adı çok ilginç: Asmanoi ve Tektosakes İkisi Türkçe olsa, ki niye olmasın, ikisi de ‘iğdiş’ anlamına gelebilirdi. ‘İğdişatlı’ iki budun? * Örneğin Ak/Karakoyunlu gibi?



Ptolemy made a list of tribes living in Scythia about 1900 years ago. 
The names of the first two that caught my eye are very interesting: 

 Asmanoi and Tektosakes 

 If both of them were in Turkish (why not?), they could both mean 'castrated'. Two tribes with 'castration'in their names? 

 There are many examples of the tribal names like Ak/Karaoyunlu, where you can see that the Turks call their tribes according to the features of their stock animals.




My contribution(details):

Uzunbacak Adem ideas about Asmanoi and Tektasokes Scythian tribes

Uzunbacak Adem

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