Saturday, April 9, 2022


Centaur Chiron teaching Achilles how to play the lyre, a Roman fresco from Herculaneum, 1st century AD.


Yarı insan yarı beygir KENTAUR/CENTAUR

Kökenleri hakkında çok söylenti var edebiyatta ve bilimde. Alttaki yazının yazanı diyor ki: ‘Hint Avrupalı Grekler bu yaratıklara bir mitos bahşetmişlerse, ata binmeyi bilmiyorlardı.’ >(atlı savaşçılara da yabancıydılar).

Çünkü ata binmek Altay kavimlerine mahsustu o zamanlar. 
Mario Alinei de blrçok yazısında horse raising ve horse riding terminolojisi Türkçe kaynaklıdır, der.



Half-man, half-horse KENTAUR 

 There are many rumors about its origins in literature and science. 

 The author of the article below says: 

 ‘If the Indo-European Greeks gave these creatures a myth, they surely didn’t know how to ride horses.’ > (they were also foreign to the mounted warriors).

He is probably right...

Because horseback riding was reserved for the Altai tribes back then.
In many of his articles, Mario Alinei says that the terminology of horse raising and horse riding is of Turkish origin.



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  * A list of words that could have a Türkic etymology in Strabo's Geography: * Strabon'un Coğrafya'sında Türk kökenli olabilece...