Sunday, April 17, 2022


Greek ὅπλον oplon and Turkic opla < oplon



There is a very interesting word in Greek and an other interesting word in Old Turkic that are corresponding. Greek Oplon, meaning weapon and Turkic opal/op/oplan meaning a tactic or a weapon in a battle. 

Below a very good article about that:

Words on Orhun Stone -oplayu tegdi

Here we see some examples about op/opla


But we can not say it for sure, what it means in Turkic. Anyway it is dealing with war/battle/fight. 

There were also special forces in Ancient Greek Army called 

 ὁπλίτης (hoplítēsheavily armed foot-soldier), from ὅπλον (hóplonarms, armor, weapon) (from which English hopl-). Compare Latin hoplomachus (gladiator).


These parallels are very startling anyway. 



There is a SARMATIAN tribe called 

Ophlones (Ὄφλωνες Ptolem. III 5, 10)

Did they had to do something with this old Turkic word?

Ophlones - Paulys RE - Sarmatian Turkic tribe ? Old Turkic word: Oplon
Source: Paulys RE - Ophlones


Update 30.09.2023

This is a tunic that the hoplites put on: EXOMIS

acc. to Wikipedia:

The exomis (Ancient Greekἐξωμίς from exo "outside", and omos "shoulder") was a Greek tunic used by the workers and the light infantry. The tunic largely replaced the older chitoniskos (or short chiton) as the 
main tunic of the hoplites during the later 5th century BC.


See Old-Turkic words: egsü from the Proto-Turkic *ek that means to decrease, be insufficient > that is why Egsü could mean the insufficient. Ancient Greek Omos means shoulder like Turkic omus, meaning the same. 

Egsü-omuz could mean the "lacking shoulder".


Uzunbacak Adem

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