Saturday, April 9, 2022



Inside view of the Thracian mound tomb at Sveshtari, Bulgaria-Thracian were no Indo Europeans (pic: wiki)


I want to quote today a scholar from the work

Toponyms in Strabo's Geography

* Kurgan, a clear sign of  Altaic Steppe Cultures, IndoEuropeans had no kurgans

* Kurgan, a Turkic word, not an IndoEuropean word
*Turkic agro-pastoral terminology in SouthEuropean and Hungarian came to this area with kurgan culture

*Horse raising/riding terminolgy in Slavic/Samoyede/Ugric ist Turkic Base of these theories: Mario Alinei‘s PCT > Paleolithic Continuity Theory! 

* More about Kurgan issue you can find Osman Karatay‘s original ideas in his newest book: The Genesis of the Turks

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