Sunday, December 31, 2023



Key-like monogram

Biraz spekülasyon :)

Aşağıya MÖ 5. yüzyıldan kalma, şu an İzmir/Aliağa sınırları içinde bulunan Gryneion/Gruneia antik kentini yönetmiş Gongulos adlı başbuğun akçesini bırakayım! Tamga belirgin, sayfada bir açıklama yok. 'Anahtara benziyor' denmiş.

Nayman tamgaları:

En alt iki sıradaki damgalar bu yukardaki akçedeki monograma benzer.
Bağlantı: Nayman tamgaları


Grunion/Gruneia ben Koru (Koru-gan) sözcüğüne bakarken karşıma çıktı.
Gongul/Kongul ise bizim gönül'ün eski hali, bir türevi. 

+ Kongul, Konya'da bir mahallemiş👇


Konu bu kadar :)



See the coin below with key-like monogram, (on initial pic, too)!

A little speculation :)

Let me leave below the coin of a prince named Gongulos, who ruled the ancient city of Gryneion/Gruneia, which is currently within the borders of Izmir/Aliağa, from the 5th century BC!

Tamga (monogram) is obvious on this coin, there is no explanation on the page. It was said, 'It looks like a key'.


Below you see Nayman tamgas, an old Turkic tribe from Central-Asia:

The stamps in the bottom two rows are similar to the monogram on this coin above.


Grunion/Gruneia came across me while I was looking at the word Koru (Koru-gan = Kurgan).
The name of the prince Gongulos could be Gongul/Kongul and this word is the old form of Turkish GÖNÜL (heart), a derivative of it.

+ Kongul is also a village in Konya.


That's all about it :)


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