Sunday, December 3, 2023



Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology

William Smith, Ed.

I looked at the names of these persons from a Turkish perspective!

Letter M & N & O


Tufts word


Turkic word 


Other info


many Carthagian commanders/Officers have this „nam“ (title?)

Baygu > 

< Yabgu


or MALICHUS, historical. This name is in fact a mere title and signifies " a king." (Gesenius, Ling. Phoen. Mon. p. 409; and Kuster, ad Suid. s. v.Πορφύριος.)


to shine, to lighten


a son of the first Egyptian king, who died in his early youth, and after whom a species of dirge was called, which was analogous to the Greek Linos. (Hdt. 2.79Athen. 14.620.)


to cry, to shout



The god of the river Nestus (also called Nessus or Nesus) in Thrace, is described as a son of Oceanus and Thetys. (Hes. Thieog. 341.)



Nessus II

A centaur, who carried Deianeira across the river Evenus, but, wishing to run away with her, ie was slot by Heracles with a poisoned arrow, which afterwards became the cause of Heracles' own death




a Rhodian king, a son of Helios and Rhodos. He was married to the nymph Hegetoria, and the father of Cydippe, who married Ochimus' brother Cercaphus. (Diod. 5.5657; Plut. Quaest. Graec. 27.)

okmaz? ukmaz?


Ochus, known by his dynastic name Artaxerxes III, was King of Kings of the Achaemenid Empire from 359/58 to 338 BC.




Odatis and Zariadres (king of the country between the Caspian gates and the Tanäis) fell mutually in love from the sight of one another's image in a dream.


to sleep


King of Italy, from A. D. 476-493. He was the son of one Edeco, who was undoubtedly the same Edecon who was minister of Attila and his ambassador at Constantinople.

ot, od

dogar, tocar

i have alrady written a big about his name


or, as the Latin writers call him, Ulysses, Ulyxes or Ulixes, one of the principal Greek heroes in the Trojan war




A son of Cynortas, and husband of Gorgophone, by whom he became the father of Tyndareos, Peirene, and Arene, was king of Sparta, where he was afterwards honoured with an heroum

ay: moon

bala: child


A Persian, an officer of Cyrus.

ay: moon

bars: leopard


the son of Oenias, of Dyme in Achaea, was victorious in the foot-race at a Olympia, in the sixth Olympiad, B. C. 756.

ay: moon

batu: west (where the moon goes down).

There are many names with Oe/Oi 

all could have begun with AY (Moon) 


a son of Poseidon by Ascra, who in conjunction with the Aloadae, is said to have built the town of Ascra in Boeotia. (Paus. 9.29.1.)

ay: moon

oglu: the son of..


a son of Theras of Sparta, and brother of Aegeus, was honoured at Sparta with an heroum.

ay: moon

alik: <Yal: to shine


Linus Oetolinos (person’s name)

ay: moon

tolun: to get fool, full moon


the name of a Scythian divinity whom Herodotus identifies with the Greek Apollo. (Hdt. 4.59.)

ay: moon

tosuray: to get wider


a son of Amphianax, and grandson of Antimachus of Argos. The Laconian town of Oetylus was believed to have received its name from him, and he there enjoyed heroic honours. (Paus. 3.25.7.)

ay: moon

tolun: to get fool, full moon


A Persian, who, when Dareius Hystaspis was on the point of marching from Susa on his Scythian expedition

ay: moon

bash?= head

or bars? I have already written about him on my blog


3. A noble Persian, who, when the Greek fleet arrived in the Hellespont after the battle of Mycale (B. C. 479), fled from Cardia to Sestus, as the place of all most strongly fortified. Sestus was besieged by the Athenians under Xanthippus, and, on the famine becoming unendurable, Oeobazus, with most of the Persians, made his escape from the town; but he fell into the hands of the Apsinthian Thracians, and was sacrificed by them to Pleistorus, one of their gods (Her. 9.115, 118, 119).

see above


*Oi)/oklos), a son of Poseidon by Ascra, who in conjunction with the Aloadae, is said to have built the town of Ascra in Boeotia. (Paus. 9.29.1.)

ay: moon

oglu: son

there is an other character OTUS whose name is of interest


*Oi)o/lukos), a son of Theras of Sparta, and brother of Aegeus, was honoured at Sparta with an heroum. (Hdt. 4.149Paus. 3.15.6.)

a version od Oeoclus?


Linus Oetolinos (person’s name)

ay: moon

tolun: to get fool, full moon


a Scythian deity (Son god?)

ay: moon

Tosur / Togur (to give birth)

Ogulnia Gens

plebeian, is most known through one of its members being the proposer of the law, which opened the two great ecclesiastical corporations to the plebeians. The first and only person in this gens who obtained the consulship is Q. Ogulnius Gallus, who was consul B. C. 269. GALLUS is the only cognomen of the Ogulnii : the others, who have no surname, are given below.

ogul: son, Nachfolger

oglan: sons

Olthacus (Olcabas)

a chief of the Scythian tribe of the Dandarians,


Hen, Bird, 



the rain-giver, a surname of Zeus, under which he had an altar on Mount Hymettus in Attica.




of Aegina, the son of Micon, was a distinguished statuary and painter, contemporary with Polygnotus, Ageladas, and Hegias.


a very old Turkic name meaning he who has good morals, honest


as the commander of a Frentanian troop of horse, serving under the consul Laevinusin the campaign against Pyrrhus in 280 BC. He distinguished himself in the battle fought at the river Liris in that year by the daring attempt which he made upon the king's life. He unhorsed Pyrrhus but was killed by the personal attendants of the king.


to attack with tricks

oplayu tegdi - Orhun Stones (Italyanca wiki daha ayrintili), -K suffik, makes from a verb a noun


or more properly HO'RTALUS, a cognomen of the Hortensii. [HORTENSIUS.]

Orthagoras 2x

Personal names

Ortha: middle

gor: Koru (fenced place)

both are from a place like that? There are many place names I guess in antique times.


a surname of the Artemis…The ancients derived her surname from mount Orthosium or Orthium in Arcadia.


in the middle of sth, somewhere?

orthasi: its middle  (-si possessive suffix)


a surname of Artemis, derived from the island of Ortygia,


place of sitting


a Spartan, was one of the three hundred selected to fight with an equal number of Argives for the possession of Thyrea. Othryades was the only Spartan who survived the battle



ata: father


an ally of king Priam, from Cabesos, who sued for the hand of Cassandra, and promised in return to drive the Greeks from Troy, but was slain by Idomeneus

otru: headquarters

ön: the front ,the first


many personal names

oküz: bull

yar-: to split (cut into 2 pieces?)


If you liked it 


Uzunbacak Adem

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