Saturday, December 23, 2023



Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology

William Smith, Ed.

I looked at the names of these persons from a Turkish perspective!

Letters T V Z 

Tufts word


Turkic word 


Other info


a Thracian king who received Eumolpus and his son Ismarus, and gave to the former his kingdom. (Apollod. 3.15.4 ;



the name comes from the city Tegyra


personification of the Mediterranean, is described as a daughter of Aether and Hemera.




 or TERIBAZUS (ΤιρίβαχοςΤηρίβαχος), a Persian, high i the favour of Artaxerxes II. (Mnemon), and when he was present, so Xenophon tells us, no one else had the honour of helping the sovereign to mount his horse. 

delibaš: crazy head

tiribaš: lively head


To/lunos), of Megara, is supposed to have been a comic poet of the Old Comedy, before Cratinus, and about contemporary with Ecphantides, on the authority of a passage in the Etymologicum Magnum, which seems to ascribe to him the invention of the metre afterwards called the Cratinean.

tolun: full 

tolun ay: full moon

there is a state of the Turks named tolunogullari meaning sons of Tolun


*To/muris), a queen of the Massagetae. According to Herodotus, when Cyrus the Great was contemplating the reduction of that nation (B. C. 529), Tomyris was a widow, and the Persian king sent an embassy to her with an offer of marriage. 

Tomur: (pine) cone

tom: round

tomruk: the round body of a tree (after being cut)


a son of Priam and Hecabe (Hom. Il. 24.257), or according to others a son of Apollo. (Apollod. 3.12.5.) He fell by the hands of Achilles (Verg. A. 1.474Hor. Carm. 2.9.16; Cic. Tusc.1.39);


a kind of bird of prey

turull: Hungarian sacred bird (bird of prey)

P. Turulius

or TURU'LLIUS, one of Caesar's assassins, was quaestor of Cassius Longinus in B. C. 43, and received the command of the fleet which had been raised by Tillius Cimber in Bithynia. After the battle of Philippi, in B. C. 42


a kind of bird of prey

turull: Hungarian sacred bird (bird of prey)



or VULTU'RCIUS, of Crotona, one of Catiline's conspirators, was sent by Lentulus to accompany the ambassadors of the Allobroges to Catiline. Arrested along with the ambassadors on the Mulvian bridge, and brought before the senate by Cicero, Volturcius turned informer upon obtaining the promise of pardon, and after giving his evidence was amply rewarded by the senate. (Sall. Cat. 44, 45, 47, 50 ;Cic. Cat. 3.2, 4, 4.3; Appian, App. BC 2.4.)


Roman gentes



many persons with this name


1 pock-marked, variegated 2 badly bred, sloppy 3 to appear 


Uzunbacak Adem

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