Saturday, September 16, 2023




I have already written about Darius Kodomannus and Turkish existence in those times in those area.

Look at here: 

Kodomannus - A Turkic nickname

2 Saka names against Darius


And now we come to the tribe the mother may have come from: UXII

It is possible that Sisygambis, the mother of Darius Kodommannus, the Persian king who opposed Alexander the Great, came from the non-Persian, semi-nomadic Οὔξιοι/UXII tribe that was a great opponent to Alexander.

Can Uxii produce an OKÇI(archer) and Sisygambis produce a Çiçek (flower)?

Knowing that Darius' son's name was OCHUZ!



Büyük İskender'e karşı gelen Pers başbuğu Darius Kodommannus'un annesi Sisygambis'in, İskendere' kök söktüren, Pers olmayan, yarı göçebe Οὔξιοι/UXII boyundan geliyor olması olasıdır.

Uxii'den OKÇI, Sisygambis'ten ÇİÇEK çıkar mı?

(Darius'un oğlunun adının OCHUZ olduğunu bilerek!)




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