Saturday, September 30, 2023


First of all: His name is AIAS and NOT AYAX


Yunanlıların ünlü kahramanı AYAX’ın adı aslında Yunanca AIAS’tır. Adının kökeni bilinmez.


The name of the famous hero of the Greeks, AYAX, is actually AIAS in Greek. The origin of the name is unknown.

Etymology of Greek Hero Aias (Ayax)


Dedesi de Zeus’un oğlu AIAKOS'tur.

His grandfather was AYAKOS, the son of Zeus.


Ayas Eski Türkçe berrak, aydın demek. Kökeni AY. 

Divanü Lugat-it Türkde Ayas, yüzü parlak olan köleye verilen addır.


Ayas means clear, enlightened in Old Turkish. Origin: AY (the Moon).
In Divanü Lugat-it Türk, Ayas is the name given to the slave with a bright face.


  Devşirme Ayas Mehmet Paşamız varmış:

We had  Ayas Mehmet Pasha in Ottoman Turkish history:
Ayas Pasha

About alas as a "nickname"


ÖZET: Antik Yunan kahramanı Ayax/Aias'ın adı Türkçe açıklanabilir ve bu ad hala kullanılmaktadır.

SUMMARY: The name of the ancient Greek hero Ayax/Aias can be explained in Turkish and this name is still used.




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