Saturday, December 17, 2022


Source: 3 Saka Princes against Darius

There were 3 Saka Princes who fought against Darius 2500 years ago.

About those 3 I can't find much information. There is really not much info in www.

Their names were:

Σακεσφάρης Sakesfaris

This name is maybe a title Sakes-Faris (the ..... of the Saka), maybe. I don't know. Not interesting for our theme.


The next 2 are very interesting!

Ὁμάργης Omargis

It is an interesting name anyway for Turkic languages. Omargi-s could have the meaning of UMAYCI (The believer of the Goddess Umaj) > UMURGA (egg) maybe he was very round.

or it could be the root AMIR- meaning silent, quiet.

From the Proto Altaic root *amV meaning  to be quiet; sleep: Tung. *ām-; Mong. *amu-, *ami-; Turk. *ăm-.

OMIR-means to crush.

Umar means Mongolian a big river, too.


The second name sounds like Massagetean Queen Tomyris. 

For me it is possible that the both are the same person, bit it is now about the name. 

Θάμυρις Tamiris

It sounds like TAMAR/TAMIR and it could mean a mineral ore/streak (and of course vein in a body, too) and this could lead us to demir/Tamir meaning iron (the most important metal).


Uzunbacak Adem

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