Saturday, September 30, 2023


Exomis - Egsü Omuz



Omuzu açık bırakan savaşçı tuniğine Eski Yunan'da EXOMİS ἐξωμίς denirmiş 

kökeni: exo "dışar" and omos "omuz"

The warrior tunic that left the shoulder bare was called EXOMIS ἐξωμίς in Ancient Greece.

<exo "outside" and omos "shoulder"



İki sözcük de Türkçe 'Egsü-omuz' ile 1e1 aynıdır:
Egsü 'olmayan' demektir> ~eksik etek (penis) > kadın

These two words are exactly the same as the Turkish:
Egsü-omuz: Egsü means 'non-existent'> ~missing skirt (penis) > woman
omuz means 'shoulder'.


Nişanyan da benzerliğe şaşırır:

Nişanyan is also surprised by the similarity:


want more about Ancient-Greek warfare?
Opla ve Hoplit hakkında:



Uzunbacak Adem


ban- ve bant- Eski Türkçe bağlamak demek.

7. yy.'da yazıldığı düşünülen Eleges yazıtında ban- olarak geçer. Aynı zamanda Proto-Hint-Avrupa dillerinde de vardır Sanskrit बन्धति • (bándhati)
Ön-Türkçe ve Ön-İndo-Cermence arasındaki benzerlikler çok araştırılmıyor ne yazık ki!




ban- and bant- means to tie in Old Turkish. 

 It is mentioned as ban- in the Eleges inscription, which is thought to have been written in the 7th century. 

 Also found in Proto-Indo-European languages Sanskrit बन्धति • (bándhati).

Unfortunately, the similarities between Proto-Turkish and Proto-Indo-Germanic are not researched much!


Uzunbacak Adem


Kaynaklar: wiktionary and Eski Türkce Sözlük Fuzuli Hayati / Minare Aliyeva Cinar 




Linear B

𐀦 𐀄 𐀒 𐀫 (qo-u-ko-ro) : 'cowherds' - Greek : βουκόλος, ου (ὁ) : 'cowherd' < βοῦς, βοός (ὁ / ἡ) : 'ox, cow' (< PIE : *gʷeh₃-u- : 'ox') + κέλλω : 'to drive' (< PIE : *kel- : 'to drive')


My answer:


My answer:

Buka/Boğa (read it like Boa) means bull in Turkic. Buğra= male camel




Uzunbacak Adem



Tünaydın arkadaşlar!

Bir sakıncası varsa da yoksa da ben Türk’üm!


       Good afternoon mates!

  If you mind or not, I am a Türk!


               Guten Nachmittag Freunde!

Ob es Ihnen etwas ausmacht oder nicht, ich bin ein Türke!


              Добрый день друзья!

Не возражаете вы или нет, но я турок!


   مساء الخير يا أصدقاء!

إذا كنت تمانع أم لا، أنا تركي!


Uzunbacak Adem


Netflix’te Atiye (The Gift) dizisini izliyorum. Bi de ne göreyim?

Esas oğlan “Bilinmeyen dilin şarkısı” adlı hayali bir kitaptan Türk runlarını alıp, Göbekli Tepe sırlarını çözüyor, esas kız da “Orhun Anıtları”nın önünde alnında ay ile poz veriyor!


I'm watching the series Atiye (The Gift) on Netflix. And what should I see? 
> The main boy takes Turkish runes from an imaginary book called "Song of the Unknown Language" and solves the secrets of Göbekli Tepe, and the main girl poses with the moon on her forehead in front of the "Orkhon Monuments"!



Türkiyemizdeki ve Anadolumuzdaki değerlerşmşze sahip çıkalım. Onları -hayali- bile olsa 'Türk' ile ilişkilendşrelşm. Batı'nın yaptığı da bundan başka birşey değildir. Onlar da herşeyi her kültürü Hint-Avrupa damgası ile damgalamaktadır.


Let's protect the values in our Turkey and Anatolia. I associated them with 'Turk', even if it was imaginary. What the West is doing is nothing more than this. They also stamp everything and every culture with the Indo-European stamp.


Uzunbacak Adem


First of all: His name is AIAS and NOT AYAX


Yunanlıların ünlü kahramanı AYAX’ın adı aslında Yunanca AIAS’tır. Adının kökeni bilinmez.


The name of the famous hero of the Greeks, AYAX, is actually AIAS in Greek. The origin of the name is unknown.

Etymology of Greek Hero Aias (Ayax)


Dedesi de Zeus’un oğlu AIAKOS'tur.

His grandfather was AYAKOS, the son of Zeus.


Ayas Eski Türkçe berrak, aydın demek. Kökeni AY. 

Divanü Lugat-it Türkde Ayas, yüzü parlak olan köleye verilen addır.


Ayas means clear, enlightened in Old Turkish. Origin: AY (the Moon).
In Divanü Lugat-it Türk, Ayas is the name given to the slave with a bright face.


  Devşirme Ayas Mehmet Paşamız varmış:

We had  Ayas Mehmet Pasha in Ottoman Turkish history:
Ayas Pasha

About alas as a "nickname"


ÖZET: Antik Yunan kahramanı Ayax/Aias'ın adı Türkçe açıklanabilir ve bu ad hala kullanılmaktadır.

SUMMARY: The name of the ancient Greek hero Ayax/Aias can be explained in Turkish and this name is still used.




Uzunbacak Adem

Sunday, September 24, 2023


Saka Tribe Amyrgians versus Turkic AMIRGI


The Amyrgians

Ancient Greek Αμύργιοι Amúrgioi Latin Amyrgii Old Persian 𐎿𐎣𐎠 𐏐 𐏃𐎢𐎶𐎺𐎼𐎥𐎠 Sakā haumavargā * Saka boyu! Persçe 'ateşin etrafında yatanlar' demekmiş/1 (o soğukta nerde yatçan?) Altayca "avcı" anlamındaki AMIRGI bu boya daha uygun olmaz mı? 

Altay müzik gurubu - A band from Altai and its song with Amırgı




The Amyrgians

Ancient Greek Αμύργιοι Amúrgioi
Latin Amyrgii
Old Persian 𐎿𐎣𐎠 𐏐 𐏃𐎢𐎶𐎺𐎼𐎥𐎠 Sakā haumavargā
Saka tribe! It means 'those lying around the fire' in Persian/1
(Where do you sleep in that cold?)

Wouldn't AMIRGI be more suitable for the name of this tribe, which means "hunter" in Altai?

Links: see above


Uzunbacak Adem

Sunday, September 17, 2023


Yunan mitolojisinde

Achelous: Irmak Tanrısı Achelois: Su perilerinin genel adı Achelous: Yunanistan'da birçok ırmağın adı Bu sözcüklerin / adların kökeni belli değil ve büyük olasılıkla da Yunanca değil (Pre-Greek). bunların yanına
Trakça achel: su (ad ve sıfat) Frigce akala: su

sözcüklerini de koyalım ve en son da Eski Türkçe AKIĞLIĞ sözcüğüne bakalım.
Hepsi birbirine benzerdir.

Türkçe AK- eylemi çok eski zamanlara kadar takip edilebilir.

Aralarındaki benzerliği görmezden mi gelelim?
Hem anlam hem de şekil olarak bire bir aynıdır hepsi.

Türkçe Yunanlılar şimdiki Yunanistan'a gelmeden önce orada ve Anadolu'da konuşuluyor olmalı.


Fuzuli Bayat / Minara Aliyeva Çınar - Eski Türkçe Sözlük 

Etrüsklerde Achlae diye sakallı ve öküz boynuzlu bir tanrı vardır. Yunanca’dan geçmiş, denmektedir! 



In Greek mythology there are many ACHE (AKE) words and all have to do with (streaming) water, like:
Achelous: River God Achelois: General name of water fairies Achelous: Name of many rivers in (ancient and modern) Greece


* Their origin is unknown, most likely non-Greek (Pre-Greek)
additionally we can take the words below

Thracian achel: water (noun and adjective) Phrygian akala: water
aannnddd compare now Old Turkish AKIĞLIĞ meaning flowing, fluent, streaming (from the archaic Turkic root ak-: to flow) from the Proto Altaic root

àk ̔ì ( ~ -k-) liquid, flow: Tung. *iaKu; Turk. *iak-; Jpn. *ìkà-i.

We can detect this Altaic root in very ancient times.

Starostin / Dybo


These Greek Akeloos words (or other Thracian and Phrygian words with ACHE/AKE)should have had to do with each other and the root must be Turkic!


Should we ignore the similarities between them?
They are all exactly the same in both meaning and form.

Turkish must have been spoken there and in Anatolia before the Greeks came to present-day Greece.

Uzunbacak Adem


 Helenlerin atası Hellen’in oğlunun adı AYolos

AYolos’un kızı Kalık (Eski Türkçe GÖK demek) Elis ilinin başbuğu Aethlias ile (Karya’da kutsal) Endymion’u yapar Endymion da sevgilisi (AY Tanrıçası) Selene ile AYtolus’u yapar. (AYDOLU) Alles klar?


The name of the son of Hellen, the ancestor of the Hellenes, is AYolos. AYolos's daughter Kalık (meaning SKY in Old Turkish) creates Endymion (sacred in Caria) with Aethlias, the chief of the province of Elis. Endymion with his lover (MOON Goddess) Selene Makes AYtolus. Alles klar?


Clue: AY means in Turkish "the moon".

I have changed the names a bit to show the resemblances between Turkic AY and AI in the original Greek names up. 

For the original names from the Greek Mythology, see pic below:



Uzunbacak Adem

Saturday, September 16, 2023



William Smith'in Yunan ve Roma Coğrafyası Sözlüğünden İsimler (1854)

Bu kez bir Türk'ün penceresinden.

U V X Z harfleri


Names from the Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography by William Smith (1854)

This time from the window of a Turk. 

Letters U & V & X & Z

Tufts original


Turkic word


Further info


a southern tributary of the Savus, flowing from the mountains of Illyricum, and joining [p. 2.1254]the Savus not far from the town of Basante




a town of the Damnonii in Britannia Barbara


place between

Vasada, Ousada, Aasada

was a city of ancient Lycaoniaand later of IsauriaAsia Minor (modern Turkey).


a island, on earth a separated place


a river of Asiatic Sarmatia, which rises in the Caucasus and falls into the Caspian sea between the Rha and the Alonta


freeze, to freeze


in North Gallia, is placed by the Table on the Roman road along the west bank of the Rhine, and between Bontobrice or Baudobrica


dwelling place, camp


a town in Dacia, E. of the Aluta. Identified with the ruins at Kosmin,near the confluence of the Kutschur and the Pruth


dwelling place, camp

UXII -  Οὔξιοι,

were a tribal confederation[1] of non-Iranian semi-nomadic people who lived somewhere in the Zagros Mountains



there are Turkic tribe with this name; OKÇI is a name of a hero, too (see Dede Korkut legends)



small river in the SE. of Thrace, which falls into the Propontis, not far from Perinthus. In some maps it is called the Erginus, upon the authority of Mela 





a people of Asiatic Sarmatia.



çag: a small road?

ZAGATIS (Ζἀγατις)

a coast river in the E. part of Pontus, discharging itself into the Euxine about 7 stadia to the east of Athenae; probably the same river as the modern Sucha Dere

Old Turkic çaġıla- veya çoġla-

flow (of a river)

Zalecus (Ζάληκος)

a small river on the coast of Paphlagonia, discharging itself into the Euxine at a distance of 210 stadia west of the Halys



<Çal-: boya vurmak (to dye)


a people of Scythia on the Imaus.




a town of Moesia Inferior, on the Danube.


dwelling place, camp


a people of Sarmatia, on the Tanais





Byzantine τσιγγάνος


 Zigeuner, Cigäwnär





Jiddisch ציגײַנער, all from the Turkic word


a place in Thrace, on the road from Siracellae to Aenus.

çor: evil spirit

çorla-: to burn feathers 


a town of Dacia, situated where the Marosch falls into the Theiss.


place between


a town of Dacia, probably on the site of the ruins called Tschetatie de Pömunt, below Burlau


dwelling place, camp


Uzunbacak Adem


  Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft * Mr. Pauly mentions the name of a chieftain of the Germanic tribe called Ch...