Sunday, November 27, 2022



Kolchis Başbuğu (Aietes'in soyundan) Bana hemen Türkçe 'solak' sözcüğünü hatırlattı. Proto Türkçe'de 'sol' var. Genel görüşe göre solak ise Moğolca 'solagay' dan Türkçe'ye geçme. Aradaki benzerlik kuşkusuz. Bence. Osmanlı Türkü askeri birlik kuruyor bu adla.


English Version
Saulakes Chieftain of Kolchis (descendant of Aietes)

 It immediately reminded me of the Turkish word sol for'left'. There is a root > 'sol' in Proto Turkish. According to the general opinion, left-handed comes from Mongolian 'solagay' into Turkish.

 The similarity is unquestionable. According to me. 

 Ottoman Turks are establishing a military unit under this name



Saulakes - Solak - Colchis' King

Gülensoy's etymo

military unit by Ottoman Turks

Proto Altaic and Proto Turkic roots

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  * Homeric words with a possible Turkic etymology letters I - PHI - CH - PS - O  Υ   Φ   Χ   Ψ   Ω * Homeric word  meaning  Türkic word  me...