Monday, January 8, 2024



There are many ancient cities that have the names like Thebes, Theba, Thebae in Mediterranean Area.

There is a Thebes in Ancient Greece and in Ancient Egypt for example (see the pics above and below). 


The Sabine word Teba means hill and the Carian word taba means rock according to

 Source Taba / Teba  

The script above continues like "all these words are probably survivals from a pre-Indo-European language (says for example Mr. Walde in Lat. etym. Wörterbuch."

* says: 

Teba - an OLD LATIN TERM -

Teba was in use among the Sabines with the  meaning of "hill".

Wiki: The Sabines settled in Sabinum, around the tenth century BC...)


We go back to the page above, Varro wrote: 

teba: ae, f., an old Latin term, in Varro's time still used among the Sabines, signifying a hill(lingua prisca et in Graeciā Aeolis Boeotii sine afflatu vocant colles tebas: et in Sabinis, quo e Graeciā venerunt Pelasgietiamnunc ita dicunt: cujus vestigium in agro Sabino via Salaria non longe a Reate milliarius clivus appellatur Thebae, Varr. R. R. 3, 1, 6.)

First English sentence above is important as a source of the original word: 

"teba: ae, f., an old Latin term, in Varro's time still used among the Sabines, signifying hill"


An other source:

Online Latin Dict "teba" says:


Sabines are the people are the descendants of the Pelasgians and they called the hills still "teba" in the time that Varro lived (Marcus Terentius Varro (116–27 BC).


And there was a third Thebe in Asia Minor. (source: Thebe in Asia Minor)


And now the question:

Why is the name of this locations important?

The answer:

Tepe/Tebe means hill in Proto-Turkic languages!

That is why!


Again a very old Turkish word that we can find in many regions of the Mediterranean Area.


Shortly: There were at least 3 cities in Mediterranean Area that have the names like "Thebes / Theba / Thebe" whose name is probably of non-Indo-European origin. It means simply a "hill", a toponomy that is suitable for a city.


Tebe/tepe is an ancient Turkish word meaning "hill".

Crystal clear?


KISACA: Akdeniz Bölgesi'nde "Thebes / Theba / Thebe" gibi isimler taşıyan ve muhtemelen kökeni Hint-Avrupa dillerinde olmayan en az 3 şehir bulunmaktaydı.  "Tepe" anlamına gelen bu sözcük, bir şehre uygun bir toponomi'dir. 

Tebe/tepe, çok eski Türkçe bir kelimedir.


UPDATE 26.10.2024:

Strabon tells us about the Lelegians/Kilikians who were related to the Trojans and called a Kilikian city of Thebe:

Tepe in Altaic langs:


Uzunbacak Adem

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