Friday, June 23, 2023


Grace Harriet Macurdy (September 12, 1866 – October 23, 1946)


Troy and Paeonia, with Glimpses of Ancient Balkan history and Religion

Grace Harriet Macurdy (September 12, 1866 – October 23, 1946) was an American classicist, and the first American woman to gain a PhD from Columbia University. She taught at Vassar College for 44 years, despite a lengthy conflict with Abby Leach, her first employer. (wiki)


She wrote in her book "Troy and Paeonia, with Glimpses of Ancient Balkan history and Religion":

"The compounds Alexandros, Kassandra, Lisandro's, Alkandros, Isandros, names of Trojans or Lykians in the Iliad, are by-forms of Aleksanor, Kassanor, Peisanor, Alkanor, etc."

Can't the names of these Lycian and Trojan people in Homer's Iliad be derived from the Turkic Kasan/Kazan, Baysan, Ulusan, Alkan?

Possible! According to me!

What do you think?


İlyada’da Truvalı ve Likyalıların adları bölümünde yazar Grace Harriet Macurdy:

“Alexandros, Kassandros, Lysandros, Alkandros gibi (Yunanca-UA) bileşikler, aslında Kasanor, Alkanor, Peisanor vb’nin yan biçimleridir”
Homeros'un Ilyada'sında geçen bu Likyalı ve Truvalı insanların adları Türkçe Kasan/Kazan, Baysan, Ulusan, Alkan’dan çıkmaz mı?

Çıkar! Bence!



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