Saturday, February 18, 2023


Teucer : Toykar : Τεῦκρος


 IGreek mythologyTeucer (/ˈtjsər/), also TeucrusTeucros or Teucris (Ancient GreekΤεῦκροςromanizedTeûkros), was the son of King Telamon of Salamis Island and his second wife Hesione, daughter of King Laomedon of Troy. He fought alongside his half-brother, Ajax, in the Trojan War and is the legendary founder of the city of Salamis on Cyprus. Through his mother, Teucer was the nephew of King Priam of Troy and the cousin of Hector and Paris—all of whom he fought against in the Trojan War.


His name is interesting. 

Teucer sounds like Turkic TOYGAR (metathesis of Turgay/Torgay) meaning a small bird, a bird of skylark family. It would be a usual male name in Turkish history and in modern Türkiye. Turgay is a very popular Turkish name nowadays.


The root of this bird we could follow till the Proto Altaic root: 

t ̔ro(-k ̔V) a k. of bird: Tung. *turākī; Mong. *turaɣu; Turk. *torgaj; Jpn. *trí; Kor. *tằrk.


There is an other Teucer > Eponymous king of Teucria (the son of the river-god Scamander and the nymph Idaea.), with the same name.


Startling similarity!

Uzunbacak Adem

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