Saturday, February 25, 2023




Pliny the Elder wrote about the Bay of Carcinites. There is also a river and a city with this name on Crimea. 
It is a perfect Turkic name for a hydronym. It means overflowing, overflown, excessive water. 
There is also a famous Turkic tribe called Karkın.

Karkın Tribe in German wiki:

Wiki über Karkin Stamm der Türken 


The word itself has a Proto-Turkic root!

-(ı)t: plural suffix


There are other toponyms/hydronyms about this area by Pliny such as:

Pliny wrote a sentence or two on this subjects he wrote about the bay of Karkinites:

He said there is the Pacyris River < BAKIR? (COPPER in Turkic) (for its red color?)
Lake Buces < BÜK? (coastal, corner, thicket in Turkic)


There are so many toponyms and hydronym with Turkic etymology in Steppe area and the scholars are still telling that the Scythians were Indo-Europeans...


I can say: No 
There were surely Turkic peoples among them, 
a 100 %.


Uzunbacak Adem


My Tweets about this issue in Turkish below:


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