Saturday, February 25, 2023



Fazla kurcalamadan! Direk! Topun gelişine karşılaştırdım 4 alfabeyi. Finike Yunan Frig Türk İlk görsel 4 alfabenin birbirine duruşu
2. görsel: Sade Frig ve Türk (Hemen her Frig harfine karşı gelen en az 1 Türk runu)
3. görsel: bilinen bütün Türk runları


Just so!
Without much fuss!
I compared simply 4 alphabets.

Phoenician & Greek & Phrygian & Turkish

On the first image you find all 4 alphabets!

2nd image: I compared only the Phrygiananf Turkic signs.
(At least 1 Turkish rune corresponding to almost every Phrygian letter)

3rd image: all known Turkish runes

#frig #türkce


Look at the pics below:

Pic 1: Phoenician - Phrygian - Greek alphabets and Turkic Runes


Pic2: for every Phrygian sign there is a similar Turkic rune

Finike alfabesinde bulunan bazı işaretler Frig alfabesinde yok. 2. görselde *Turkic rune* sütujunda üstten 2. 7. 8. 9. 10.lar 13. 15. 16. 17. 18. işaretler Frigçe’ye Fenikece’den daha yakın ve benzer. Niye dikkate alınmaz? Herşey Finikece ise, ayrı işaretler nereden?


Some signs in the Phoenician alphabet are not in the Phrygian alphabet. In the 2nd pic *Turkic rune* column from the top 2. 7. 8. 9. 10ths 13. 15. 16. 17. signs are closer and similar to Phrygian than Phoenician. 

 Why is it not taken into account? 

 If everything is in Phoenician, where are the separate signs from?

3rd Pic: Corpus of Turkic Runes from Orhun und Yenisey


Uzunbacak Adem

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