Friday, February 3, 2023


photo: wiki

 🇬🇷εύληρα eúlēra, Homeros‘tan beri Yunanca‘da.

🇬🇷εύληρα eúlēra has been in Greek since Homer.

Yular demek, kökeni bilinmiyor/1 >Pre-Greek?

means halter/reins, origin unknown/1 >Pre-Greek?


* Stachowski:Yunanca’dan Türkçe’ye olamaz Nişanyan:Ortak bir Avrasya dili olası


Nişanyan: A common Eurasian language is possible

Stachowski: It cannot be translated from Greek into Turkish


Peki Türkçe>Yunanca olamaz mı?

Well, can't it be Turkish>Greek?
7000 yıllık ÖnAltayca’ya ve 2500 yıllık ÖnTürkçe’ye götürülebiliyorken/4

While it can be taken to the 7000-year-old Pre-Altaic and the 2500-year-old Pre-Turkish/4

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