Saturday, February 25, 2023



Fazla kurcalamadan! Direk! Topun gelişine karşılaştırdım 4 alfabeyi. Finike Yunan Frig Türk İlk görsel 4 alfabenin birbirine duruşu
2. görsel: Sade Frig ve Türk (Hemen her Frig harfine karşı gelen en az 1 Türk runu)
3. görsel: bilinen bütün Türk runları


Just so!
Without much fuss!
I compared simply 4 alphabets.

Phoenician & Greek & Phrygian & Turkish

On the first image you find all 4 alphabets!

2nd image: I compared only the Phrygiananf Turkic signs.
(At least 1 Turkish rune corresponding to almost every Phrygian letter)

3rd image: all known Turkish runes

#frig #türkce


Look at the pics below:

Pic 1: Phoenician - Phrygian - Greek alphabets and Turkic Runes


Pic2: for every Phrygian sign there is a similar Turkic rune

Finike alfabesinde bulunan bazı işaretler Frig alfabesinde yok. 2. görselde *Turkic rune* sütujunda üstten 2. 7. 8. 9. 10.lar 13. 15. 16. 17. 18. işaretler Frigçe’ye Fenikece’den daha yakın ve benzer. Niye dikkate alınmaz? Herşey Finikece ise, ayrı işaretler nereden?


Some signs in the Phoenician alphabet are not in the Phrygian alphabet. In the 2nd pic *Turkic rune* column from the top 2. 7. 8. 9. 10ths 13. 15. 16. 17. signs are closer and similar to Phrygian than Phoenician. 

 Why is it not taken into account? 

 If everything is in Phoenician, where are the separate signs from?

3rd Pic: Corpus of Turkic Runes from Orhun und Yenisey


Uzunbacak Adem




Pliny the Elder wrote about the Bay of Carcinites. There is also a river and a city with this name on Crimea. 
It is a perfect Turkic name for a hydronym. It means overflowing, overflown, excessive water. 
There is also a famous Turkic tribe called Karkın.

Karkın Tribe in German wiki:

Wiki über Karkin Stamm der Türken 


The word itself has a Proto-Turkic root!

-(ı)t: plural suffix


There are other toponyms/hydronyms about this area by Pliny such as:

Pliny wrote a sentence or two on this subjects he wrote about the bay of Karkinites:

He said there is the Pacyris River < BAKIR? (COPPER in Turkic) (for its red color?)
Lake Buces < BÜK? (coastal, corner, thicket in Turkic)


There are so many toponyms and hydronym with Turkic etymology in Steppe area and the scholars are still telling that the Scythians were Indo-Europeans...


I can say: No 
There were surely Turkic peoples among them, 
a 100 %.


Uzunbacak Adem


My Tweets about this issue in Turkish below:


Sunday, February 19, 2023


Karakum (Black Sand) Desert ın Asia

Biraz kuramsal düşünce!

Yunan tarihçi Strabon bundan 2000 yıl önce Semadirek ve Gökçeada'ya yakın Caracoma diye bir köyden bahseder/1
Trakya'da, deniz kıyısında olmalı.

Ne güzel bir Türkçe sözcük (olması olası).

Kara kum(-sal)?
Bazaltı bol Semadirek'e bakınca renk de olası.

Türkler Asya'da bir çöle aynı adı vermişler ve o çöl hala o adla anılır > KARAKUM

ve Karakurum da aynı. O konuda da yazdım: Karakurum / K2

Olası mı?



A little theoretical thought/speculation! The Greek historian Strabo mentions a village called Caracoma, close to Samothrace and Gökçeada, 2000 years ago. It must be in Thrace, by the sea. (8.47/8.49)

What a beautiful Turkish word (possibly). Black sand(shore)? Looking at Samothrace with lots of basalt, color is also possible. Turks named a desert with this name and that desert is still called by that name > KARAKUM (
Black Sand)
(see 1st pic above)

More about Turkic toponym with kara?





There is an other place called ORTHAGORIA
Its name could be Turkic, too:
Check it out:


Uzunbacak Adem





Baius is the helmsman of Odysseus.

Wenn i look the sentence above, I could recognize 2 Turkic words:

For Bai-us look at: 

Proto-Turkic *bāj 1 rich, noble 2 many, numerous 

It is a title like Oduz, meaning Old Turkic "general", as the head of soldiers and armies.



Now look at the satire-poem of Horace(Quintus Horatius Flaccus):

Source: Baius/Albius


§ 1.4.107  When he exhorted me to be thrifty and careful, 
So as to live in content on what he’d leave me: 
He’d say: ‘Don’t you see how badly young Albius
Is doing, how poor Baius is? A clear warning: don’t 
Wilfully squander your birthright.’ Or steering me 


Albius maybe the Turkic Alp (meaning great, hero)? 

He is doing not well!

And Baius (meaning rich, noble) is not rich.

(as expected?)

Does Horace play here with "opposite" words?


Indices for the possible Turkic ID?


Uzunbacak Adem



Ancient Iberia / Georgia

There was a king named Artoces.

He was the king of Iberia.

Wiki: "Artoces was a king of Iberia (modern-day Georgia) from 78 to 63 BC."


Interesting name.

There is a Turkic commander/chieftain named Artuk. 

Wiki: nown as Artuk Bey, was a Turkmen commander of the Seljuk Empire in the 11th century, chief of the Oghuz tribe of Döğer, and eponymous founder of the Artuqid dynasty.[2][3] His father's name was Eksük. He was the Seljuk governor of Jerusalembetween 1085–1091. 


The names are very similar to each other. 

Startling isn't it?

Old Turkic word ARTUK means rather, superior. There are many persons with this name in Turkish History and the most popular one is the Artuk Bey above.


Uzunbacak Adem

Saturday, February 18, 2023


Teucer : Toykar : Τεῦκρος


 IGreek mythologyTeucer (/ˈtjsər/), also TeucrusTeucros or Teucris (Ancient GreekΤεῦκροςromanizedTeûkros), was the son of King Telamon of Salamis Island and his second wife Hesione, daughter of King Laomedon of Troy. He fought alongside his half-brother, Ajax, in the Trojan War and is the legendary founder of the city of Salamis on Cyprus. Through his mother, Teucer was the nephew of King Priam of Troy and the cousin of Hector and Paris—all of whom he fought against in the Trojan War.


His name is interesting. 

Teucer sounds like Turkic TOYGAR (metathesis of Turgay/Torgay) meaning a small bird, a bird of skylark family. It would be a usual male name in Turkish history and in modern Türkiye. Turgay is a very popular Turkish name nowadays.


The root of this bird we could follow till the Proto Altaic root: 

t ̔ro(-k ̔V) a k. of bird: Tung. *turākī; Mong. *turaɣu; Turk. *torgaj; Jpn. *trí; Kor. *tằrk.


There is an other Teucer > Eponymous king of Teucria (the son of the river-god Scamander and the nymph Idaea.), with the same name.


Startling similarity!

Uzunbacak Adem

Sunday, February 12, 2023



There is a Greek deity whose name is Aidos, meaning shame, respect, modesty.

It has the same root with the Greek word αἰδώς (aidos) meaning shame. 

A word/a name with an uncertain etymology. Beekes himself has no real proposal. See above the wiktionary etymology.


We have here a Proto-Altaic/Proto-Turkic words that can be the root:

­uju sad, ashamed: Tung. *oji-; Mong. *uj; Turk. *uja-; Jpn. *u-.

According to Starostin/Dybo we can reconstruct the root like above. 

Old Turkic. ujad- (Old Uyghur .); Karakh. ujaδ- mean shame, to be ashamed.

These could be the root of this "Greek" word / deity. 




Saturday, February 11, 2023



Acc. to Wiktionary the English word "OTHER" has this etymology: 


From Middle English other, from Old English ōþer (other, second), from Proto-West Germanic *ą̄þar*anþar, from Proto-Germanic *anþeraz (other, second), from Proto-Indo-European *h₂énteros (other).

Cognate with Scots utherither (other)Old Frisian ōther("other"; > North Frisian üđerööderouder)Old Saxon ōthar (other)Old High German ander (other)Old Norse annarrǫðr-aðr- (other, second)Gothic 𐌰𐌽𐌸𐌰𐍂 (anþarother)Old Prussian antersantars (other, second)Lithuanian antroks (otherpronoun)Latvianotrsotrais (second)Macedonian втор (vtor, "second"), 

Albanian ndërroj (to change, switch, alternate)Sanskrit अन्तर (ántaradifferent)Sanskrit अन्य (anyáother, different).


Very interesting is the Turkic word "AD", meaning diversity, difference, gap.

Turkic verb adır- means to separate, to sort.


>Old Turkic adır (read it like odder "other " without th sound) 

It means "other".

Look at the other variations of the word in many Turkic dialects:


Tantalizing, isn't it?


Uzunbacak Adem 


  Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft * Mr. Pauly mentions the name of a chieftain of the Germanic tribe called Ch...