Saturday, June 25, 2022


 At least 500 years before the Kök-Turks, there was (at least) a Turkish country inhabited by those who call themselves Turks.

Information is recorded on the tombstones I will give below. 'Turciae' means 'Turkish Land' in Latin (genitive). They were pagan:

Now look at these:

Year 98-116 CE / 1. yy'ın sonu 2. yy'ın başı. Türkiye adlı yer adı.

3. yy'dan Türkiye adı.

Bugünkü Yunanistan'da Attica'da bir Türkiye


Source: search for: Turc


Unfortunately, I could not find any additional information about this Turk/Turkiya anywhere. Yes, on many tombstones there are "Turcish" people coming from Turkey, but it is not wanted to be known who is a Turk or where Turkiya/Turkiya/Turkey is.


There is an other link about an inscription about Turcs/Turcia bot no info about those.

Link: Inscription with Turk/Turcii by JSTOR

Now look at the Greek word for Tourkia. It is the same word in same way like after 1000 years. There is a continuity, for sure.

The Greeks called the land always the same, 2000 years long:

Tourkia: The Land of the Turks

See below:


And now a couple of TURKS on THE STONES (Because it is nice to see the word TURC/TURK):

Enjoy them:

and the links for those:







More about this issue?

Read on my blog: ancient-roman-gens-turcia-and-turks


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