Saturday, March 23, 2024





Vatanı Orta Asya olan eriğin, Homeros'un Odisseia'sında gördüğümüz çeşidi >Yaban eriği

Erik anlamındaki kertme (<kertmek: aşılamak) hala kullanılan bir sözcük. Wiki bile bu konuya dikkat çekmiş:


Wiki: "According to Beekes, from a substrate root common to Albanian dardhë (pear). But this ignores the presence of Crimean Tatar kertme (pear), dialectal Turkishkertme (pear)Kipchak كرتما / chertme (pear), allegedly from the verb which is in Turkish kertmek (to notch, to indent) because originally meaning a sort of pear which was grafted, then having the transparent suffix -me (forms things created as the result of verbs), but also Ossetian кӕрдо (kærdopear)Chechen кхор (qorpear)Ingush кхор (qorpear)."


Proto-Altay Dilleri'nde var:


Kafkas Dillerinde de var (yukarıda wiki sayfasına bak) ve Türkçe'den geçme!


İki çıkarım:

1. Orta Asya kökenli erik Kafkasya üzerinden Anadolu'ya/Trakya'ya Türkler tarafından getiriliyor ve Türkçe adını Yunanca konuşanlara kabul ettiriyor, Homeros bunu olduğu gibi alıyor ve kullanıyor.

2. Ağaç aşılaması Türkler tarafında Ön-Türkçe zamanlarında biliniyor ve kullanılıyor.




 The variety of plum, native to Central Asia, that we see in Homer's Odyssey 

>Kertme (Wild pear) is a word still used. 

(<kertmek: to graft a tree) 

Even Wiki drew attention to this issue: 


 Wiki: "According to Beekes, from a substrate root common to Albanian dardhë (“pear”). But this ignores the presence of Crimean Tatar kertme (“pear”), dialectal Turkish kertme (“pear”), Kipchak كرتما / chertme (“ pear”), allegedly from the verb which is in Turkish kertmek (“to notch, to indent”) because originally meaning a sort of pear which was grafted, then having the transparent suffix -me (forms things created as the result of verbs) , but also Ossetian кЕрдо (kærdo, “pear”), Chechen кхор (qor, “pear”), Ingush кхор (qor, “pear”).” 


 Available in Proto-Altaic Languages (see pic above): 


 Also in Caucasian Languages (see wiki page above) 


 Two takeaways: 1. Plum, which originates from Central Asia, is brought to Anatolia/Thrace via the Caucasus by the Türks and imposes its Turkish name on Greek speakers. Homer takes it as it is and uses it. 

 2. Tree grafting was known and used by the Turks in Proto-Turkish times.


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