Monday, April 10, 2023


Amazon (wiki)

 According to


*)Anai/a), an Amazon, from whom the town of Anaea in Caria derived its name. (Steph. Byz. s.v. Eustath. ad Dionys. Perieg. 828.) (a Scythian word)

We should notice that Anai/Anay is a very old Turkic name for mother. Ana = Mother, -y= diminutive suffix.
Anya in Hungarian.

Turkish wiki:

Below English wiki:


Deniz Karakurt's book "Türk Söylence Sözlüğü" says:

Summary of the three above:
There was a spirit of forests, animals and patron of hunters called Bai Baianai (Old Turkic: 𐰉𐰀𐰖 𐰉𐰀𐰖𐰀𐰣𐰀𐰖) in the Yakut and Altai Turkic regions/cultures.


About the word "Amazon" itself I can write:

AMAZON a Scythian word

In www there are many proposals what the etymo could be. Most of them are of Indo-European origin.

Why not a Turkic one? At least for the first part of the word:

EME means "female, old woman" in many Turkic dialects. AMA in Chuvash. (The first part of AMAZON)

We can explain that word (at least the half of it) with an authentic word from Old Turkic with a compatible meaning, can't we?


Uzunbacak Adem 

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