Saturday, April 15, 2023



pic by tr.viki

There are 3 Characters with the name ABARIS in Ancient Greek Mythology:

Link: dewiki

I think, all have the same name, a Turkic one called "BARS", meaning leopard. 

You can see ABARIS above on this pic.

I have already find the related Turkic words like

 Bora (meaning storm) in Hyperborean,

 Caucasia is one of the areas where the Turks lived and still live and

 King Kyzikos/Cyzicus's name has the Turkic KIZIK (meaning "the angry")in it.

All these 3 points you can see on the pic above.


There are many Turkic (Pre-Greek) words in Greek Mythology and I have the job to find them.


Here are some other examples dealing with this issue from my blog:





Uzunbacak Adem 

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