There are two Sarmatian kings called Beuca and Babai
Babai: Baba is the word for Grandfather in Old Turkic
Beuca: Buka is the bull.
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Akkadian Sumerian Etruscan Turukku ProtoTurkic Proto Turkic Scythian Sarmatian Thracian PreGreek Pre-Greek Carian Sidetic Luwian Lycian Lydian Asianic Kurmali Karoshthi Indus Script Paulys RE Indo European IndoEuropean IndoGerman Etymology Kelime Köken Kelimeköken Turkish Türk Proto Altaic Uralic No Main Stream Ideas No MainsStream Something New No Racism Against EuroCentrism No Euro Centrism! I'm looking at the things through the Turkic window! * Türkic names in Pliny Strabon Homer Pauly RE
There are two Sarmatian kings called Beuca and Babai
Babai: Baba is the word for Grandfather in Old Turkic
Beuca: Buka is the bull.
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Dionysos Exiguus a Scythian by birth and a Roman monk |
İlginç bir kişilik: Dionysos Exiguus Şu an kullandığımız takvimi 6.yy'da bulan İskit kökenli Romalı keşiş. Exiguus Latince az, biraz, yetersiz demek. Buraya kadar tamam. Ama adı olan Exiguus Latince'den değil de, İskitçe kaldıysa ve Eksik/Eksük'ten (tamamlanmaya muhtaç) geliyorsa?
Almanca Wiki adını Denys olarak veriyor, bu da çok ilginç:
Olası mı?
English version:
Dionysus Exiguus Roman monk of Scythian origin who invented the calendar we use in the 6th C. Exiguus means little/scanty in Latin.
German wiki says: The old version of his name is: Denys
Deniz is the word for "sea" and stilling used as a male name. Interesting, too... Possible?
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Pauly, çok kötü bakan İskit kadınları Bitiae hakkında yazıyor. Phylarchus, aynı özelliğe sahip olan Thibier'den bahseder. Gözlerinde 2 gözbebeği olan kadınlardır.
Pauly, etimoloji girişimleriyle devam ediyor:
Pauly writes about Bitiae, Scythian women who look very evil. Phylarchos tells about Thibier who have the same feature. They are women with 2 pupils in their eyes.
Pauly continues with the attempts for its etymology:
He says: How the name is to be explained is unknown; One can hardly think of an alleged Mongolian word büdä = evil demon with Neumann (Die Hellenen im Skythenlande I 267f.) and recognize the female shamans of the Mongols in the Bitiae.
Gidilen yol yanlış değil. Asya doğru yöndür bu durumda. Yüz anlamına gelen Proto-Türkçe BET/BIT kelimesini alabiliriz.
The direction is not wrong. Asian langs are the right ones in this case, too. Well, we can take the ProtoTurkic word BET/BIT, meaning face.
We don't have to go that far, because a face means actually the look.
We can maybe explain these special kind of women - BITIAE - with the Turkic word BIT/BET, like TIBIER (metathesis).
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Echidna - A half snake - half woman
Bunu ilk yazan ben değilim.
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Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft-Congrae-Scythian |
Pauly'de Iskit veya Sarmat boyu var, adı Agar-oi (-oi Yunanca çoğul eki)
Bunlar yılan ZEHİRİ ile yaraları iyileştirebilen bir ulus.
Şimdi şöyle:
Zeus'tan ve yarı yılan kadından olma Scythes'in de 2 çocuğu oluyor. Adları Palus ve Napes. Bunlar İskit ülke sınırlarını genişletiyorlar, filan/1-2There were 3 Saka Princes who fought against Darius 2500 years ago.
About those 3 I can't find much information. There is really not much info in www.
Their names were:
Σακεσφάρης Sakesfaris
This name is maybe a title Sakes-Faris (the ..... of the Saka), maybe. I don't know. Not interesting for our theme.
The next 2 are very interesting!
Ὁμάργης Omargis
It is an interesting name anyway for Turkic languages. Omargi-s could have the meaning of UMAYCI (The believer of the Goddess Umaj) > UMURGA (egg) maybe he was very round.
or it could be the root AMIR- meaning silent, quiet.
From the Proto Altaic root *amV meaning to be quiet; sleep: Tung. *ām-; Mong. *amu-, *ami-; Turk. *ăm-.
OMIR-means to crush.
Umar means Mongolian a big river, too.
The second name sounds like Massagetean Queen Tomyris.
For me it is possible that the both are the same person, bit it is now about the name.
Θάμυρις Tamiris
It sounds like TAMAR/TAMIR and it could mean a mineral ore/streak (and of course vein in a body, too) and this could lead us to demir/Tamir meaning iron (the most important metal).
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Antik ARAXES nehri, Volga
Birçok Türkçe isme sahiptir:
Sarı Su (Sarı Irmak)
Yul (yalnızca Uralca Mari dilinde Tatarca'dan "yol"dan alınma)
Ve şimdi daha da fazlası!
www'de biri olası Türkçe kelimekökeni için diyor ki:
Arık-Su < Arık: su kanalı
Bense ARIG/ARIĞ saf, temiz diyorum; kutsal (en uygunu bence)
>ARIGSU:Kutsal Su > ARAXES ?
Bir tane daha Proto Türkçe YARI/YARIQ/YARIK/YARUK kökü var
YARI/YARIQ/YARIK/YARUK Parlamak, ışıldamak anlamında!
Çok geniş bir nehir, bu yüzden belki de ayışığını/günışığını çok iyi yansıttığı için
YARIQ SU: Parlak Nehir/Parlak Nehir?
Olası mı?
Ancient ARAXES river, Volga
It has many Turkic names like: Itil/Etil/Atal/Idil Sarı Su (Yellow Water/River) Yul ('way' only in Uralic Mari lang from Tatar Turkish "YOL") And now even more!
Strymon was a Scythian man. If we throw the first S (S-mobile of Indo Europeans?) then we have Trymon. It sounds like Turkic "Toraman" meaning very big. We know that the suffix -man is a very old Turkic intensifying suffix meaning "a lot, huge amount of..., many, very".
Like Saruman (look at Saruman in Lord of the Rings) means in Turkish "very white".
Pauly says:
"There are experts who deny the identity of this people." (see first sentence).
Ugor/Ogur are the same, aren't they?
Ogur is a Turkic word meaning simply 'the tribe'.
There are many Ogurs:
For instance On ogur > Hungary
Or Kutrigur, etc...
A Scythian tribe (of Indo German origin?)
Would say they could have been Turkic, too.
Yas could be Turkic "yaş" meaning green, fresh.
Turkic "yaz" on the other hand means "summer" and the verb "yas-" means "to make flat"
Tai means mountain. (like in Tau-rus).
Now "Iastai" (Yastai) could be
Flat Mountain
Green Mountain
Summer Mountain
or the tribes from there.
Edoi (Ἠδοί)
A Scythian tribe
Look at the Turkic word: edi/idi, meaning host, owner, master.
Gargareis: a Scythian tribe
Karga(garga): crow, probably from kara: black
Garga er? Crow men?
Geloni: A Scythian tribe
Turkic YILAN?: snake
Gnissi, a Scythian tribe
Güneş/Küneş means in Turkish "the day or the sun".
Other meanings in other dialects are "sunny place, hot place"
Gorgippia: Ancient city on the Black Sea, called after the Scythian Tribe that lived there.
Turkic Korku: the fear (like on Gorgon)
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Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft * Mr. Pauly mentions the name of a chieftain of the Germanic tribe called Ch...