Wednesday, January 1, 2025




Mr. Pauly writes about Alazygos/Ἀλάζυγος in his Encyclopedia. There is not much information about him. Son of Hallirothios and brother of Seros. Relevant information for me is the age of this name. 

Hesiod mentioned him. That means 7th C. BCE in one of the oldest sources in the world history. The name Alazygos/Ἀλάζυγος is old/older than 2700 years old, it means. 

That is the important point.


Now why is this name important?

Because it can be easily explained with Türkish language.

There are Old Türkic/Türkic/Türkish words like alacu/alaçu/alaçuk/alaçık/alacık in the dictionaries.







What does that word mean?


It means a kind of tent or a simply hut made of brushwood. 

It could be easily a name for a man who was born into such a tent. 

Alazyg-os could only be explained with that Türkic word.

Or do you have an other proposal?


Türks and Türk language existed 2700 years ago. This name is an indicator for that!


Uzunbacak Adem

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