Saturday, January 25, 2025



Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft


English translation: 

Bagodaras (Βαγωδάρας), according to Diod. XVII 83, 7, belonged to the environment of Bessus; this is evidently the same personality as Curt. VII 4, 8ff., who calls him Cobares (Gobares?). Dindorf, on the basis of Wesseling's suggestion, inserted the form Gobares in Diodorus' text.


He was a commander, probably a member of general staff of Bessos, Satrap of Bactria, (who) is mentioned in the Battle of Gaugamela as commander of the Bactrian, Sogdian and Indian contingents in Darius' army (Arrian. III 8, 3; cf. also Curt. IV 6, 2. 12, 6)

(Uzunbacak Adem: Dareios III lived in the 4th C BC.)


Bagadoras was most probably a Türk whose name/title means "the hero". He was, like many commanders in Persian history, of Türk origin. Many Türk commanders used this title/nickname like:

  • Modu Chanyu, the founding chanyu of the Xiongnu empire.[8]
  • Tonyukuk, military commander of Second Turkic Khaganate.
  • Bagatur Bagaina Sevar, 6th century commander in First Bulgarian Empire
  • Alogobotur, 10th century commander in the First Bulgarian Empire

  • It shows us the existence of the Türks in that region of the world in those times (4th Century Before Christ). 
  • *

    Dareios III himself was probably a Türk (at least partly). I have shown the origin of the name of his mother and the tribe she belonged to, under the link below:


    Uzunbacak Adem

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      Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft * Mr. Pauly mentions a name shared by many ancient Western Anatolian towns: ...