Sunday, February 27, 2022


Bugün birkaç Trak adına bakayım. 

Aralarındaki paralellikler/benzerlikler şaşırtıcıdır.

βουρος, βουρις, βυρις, -βουρ (borıs/borus) Trakça kişi adlarında çokça geçen sözcüklerden. Öztürkçe 'bars' da Türkçe kişi adlarında çok geçen bir sözcük.


Let me look at a few Thracian names today. The parallels/similarities between them are startling.

βουρος, βουρις, βυρις, -βουρ (boris/borus) One of the many words in Thracian personal names. Turkish 'bars' (leopard) is a word that is used a lot in Turkish personal names too.

Thracian personal names and Turkish bars

Muka-Bur <> Boğa Bars and Duto-Boris <> Tut Bars

Örneğin Bars Buka adı (Pars Boğa), Trak adı Mouka Bour (Boğa Pars) ile hemen hemen aynıdır ve Duto Boris de Tut Bars olabilir.


For example, the name Bars Buka (Pars Taurus) is almost the same as the Thracian name Mouka Bour (Pars Taurus) or Thracıan name Duto Boris could be Tut Bars. 

Turkish Pars Bars 

* Ek bilgi: Hititçe parsana da pars demektir.

Additional information: In Hittite parsana, it means pars.

Hittite parsana Turkish Pars

Ayrıca Hint-Avrupa dillerinde bulunan Pard, Leopard'ın kökü olan Yunanca πάρδος'un kökeni tam olarak bilinmez! Probably (büyük ihtimal) filan..


Also, the origin of the Greek πάρδος, the root of Pard, Leopard in Indo-European languages is not known exactly! Probably (most likely) blah blah blah.

Etymologies of Greek pardos πάρδος

Gülensoy'un BARS hakkındaki sözlük maddesi de açıklayıcıdır.
Sözcük Türkçedir.


Gülensoy's dictionary article on BARS is also explanatory. The word is Turkish.

Bronze bust of Sultan Baibars in Cairo, at the Egyptian National Military Museum:

Memlük Sultanı Baybars - Mamluke Baybars, the Sultan
pic: wikipedia
Sonuç: Bence bu Trakça adlarda görülen βουρος, βουρις, βυρις, -βουρ (borıs/borus) pekala Türkçe BARS/PARS ile eşleştirilebilir.


Conclusion: I think that βουρος, βουρις, βυρις, -βουρ (borıs/borus) seen in these Thracian names can well be matched with Turkish BARS/PARS.


Uzunbacak Adem


Source for Thracian names:

Friday, February 25, 2022




In an article about Thracian Language we can read
2 very interesting words:


P. Dimitrov notes that the 
 alternation was 
characteristic of a vast area with dierent languages in Southeastern Europe and Asia, but it is not theoretically argumented (Димитров 1994: 73–90). As the variants written with <A> and <E> are not geographically separated
P. Dimitrov notes that the 
 alternation was 
characteristic of a vast area with dierent languages in Southeastern Europe and Asia, but it is not theoretically argumented (Димитров 1994: 73–90). As the variants written with <A> and <E> are not geographically separate
and both occur to the north and to the south of the Haemus Mountain, and often with the same geographic or personal name in the same area, 
I believe that the variation is not due to linguistic or dialectal dierence. 
The explanation of J. Puhvel and C. Poghirc seems m

In this article we read further:

"P. Dmitrow notes that the a/e alternation was characteristic of a vast area with different languages in Southeastern Europe and
Asia...As the variants written with <A> and <E> are not geographically separated and both occur to the north and to the south of the Haemus Mountain, and often with the geographical
and personal name in the same area, I believe that the variation is not due to linguistic or dialectical difference..."

Yanakieva shows us


as examples for these linguistic changes. 

I see there 2 very Turkish word. Agrianes > Argın
and Erginos > Ergin

Let us begin with Ergin!
Acc. to Wiki:


Erginos / Erginus was a King who was born in Ancient Greek, as a member of Minyans, an autochthonous group of people to Ancient Greece. 
(He had a brother called Ἄρρωνος / Arrhon. (again a nice Turkish word?Erhan?)

Etymology unknown.

Now it is my turn: Ergin(os) is a military rank among Ancient Turks. It means "the mature", "the experienced". 
It is possible that a man with this title is a Clan-Cheiftain, isn't it?

Secondly we see the name Agrianes.
It could be Argin(es) through metathesis.
They were good soldiers.
There is a Nogay (Western Turkish Tribe, Kipchak) clan called ARGIN.


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Hem Anadolu'da, hem Balkanlar'da o kadar çok su adı (ırmak, çay,..) var ki sonunda -SSU, -SSO, -SU ile biten (bu ekler Beekes'e göre Pre Greek'tir, yani Grekçe ve Hint Avrupaca değildir). Örnek mi? Şu bağlantıya bir bakın:

Thracian Hydronymy

Sade SU ile bitmiyor SU adları/HYDRONYM Ak- eyleminden türeyen Su adları da bayağı çok Akdeniz havzasında. Bunlara gelicem. Bunun yanında Arna, yani kanal, su yolu sözcüğünden de türeyen de çok. Eski twit: 14 ay önce yazdığım blog:

Uzunbacak Blog about Italian/Etruscan Hydronymy

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English Version

There are so many hydronyms (river, brook,..) both in Anatolia and in the Balkans that end with -SSU, -SSO, -SU (these suffixes are Pre Greek according to Beekes > that means "not Greek" and  "not Indo-European"). An example? Have a look at this link:

Thracian Hydronyms

But hydronyms don't end always with "SU"

Water names derived from the root AK- (v) are also quite common in the Mediterranean basin. I will come to this issue.

In addition, there are many *Arna* (that is canal in Turkish) words that we find as Anatolian hydronyms.

I wrote a short blog about it 14 months ago:

my blog about hydronyms in Anatolia / Italy

Thanks for reading!

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Anadolu’da adında SU olan 3 yer (akarsu?) adı

Kimisi diyor kökeni belli olmayan Pre-Greek, kimisi Trak Dili.

Bence buz gibi Türkçeler:

1. Akarsu adı Κάρησος > Kara-su-s?~Kar-su? (Kar-: akmamak, snow)

2. İlçe adı Κυκυσός > Kuku-su-s > Göksu?
Şimdiki adı>Göksun (Ceyhan nehrinin pınarının yanında) 
Burada ilk ad Türkçe, sonra Yunanca'ya uyduruluyor, Türklerce, zaten Türkçe olan ad, tekrar hemen hemen ayni şekilde anılıyor.

3. Göksu’nun yanında bir de ilçe Καβασσός > Kaba-su-s adlı bir ilçe var (tam yeri bilinmiyor). O da demek Ceyhun pınarına yakın bir yerde.

Beekes'e göre -σο and -σσό (-so and -sso) sonekleri Yunanca değildir, Hınt Avrupa Dili'nden de değildir. O halde Türkçe olma olasılıkları vardır ve yüksektir.

Uzunbacak Adem




Names of 3 places (rivers?) with SU (WATER in Turkish Language) in their name in Anatolia 
 Some say Pre-Greek of unknown origin, some say Thracian. 
 I think they are cool Turkish words: 

1. River name Κάρησος > Kara-su-s?~Kar-su? (kar- (v): not flowing, snow) > Black Water or Not (fast) flowing water?

2. County name Κυκυσός > Kuku-su-s > Göksu? (Blue water)
Current Turkish name>Göksun (near the *spring* of Ceyhan river, that is why related to water)

Here in my opinion Turkish Göksu (Blue Water or Holy Water),  first name of this river is adapted to Greek. This initially Turkish name, is adapted and mentioned again in almost the same way in current Turkish. Göksu > Kukusu-s > Göksun

3. Next to Göksu, there is also a district called 
Καβασσός > Kaba-su-s > swelling water?
(the exact location is unknown). 
We could think that this place was close to the Ceyhun *spring*, too > (Relation to water).


All these hydronyms have to do with SU and in my opinion the Turkish word for water > SU has to do with all of them.

Those Pre-Greek suffixes sso and so > σο and σσό are surely not Indo European (Beekes) and therefore they could be Turkish, too.

Uzunbacak Adem

Saturday, February 19, 2022


Thracian Hero Karabasmos - Turkish Karabaş - Thrakischer Held Karabasmo Ἥρωι Καραβασμῳ

Taş gibi belge diye ben buna derim!

Baba toprağım Varna'da bulunan bu Trak yiğidinin adı Karabasmos. Adı kafasının hemen üstünde. Bence buz gibi Türk adı: Karabaş. Anlamı'Karabaşlı' mıydı, yoksa 'kutsal lider' miydi, ya da 'yüksek kumandan' mıydı? Bunlar ikincil sorular...

Çalışmak istediğim bir konu var:
> Ἥρωι = Kahraman kelimesinin Türkçede kurmak, inşa etmek ve/veya aşiret, klan anlamına gelen ur- kökü ile ilgili olduğunu düşünüyorum.





Thracian Hero Karabasmos - Turkish Karabaş - Thrakischer Held Karabasmo - Ἥρωι Καραβασμῳ

That's what I call a solid document!
The name of this Thracian valiant, found in Varna🇧🇬, is Karabasmos. His name is just above his head.
I think it is the Turkish name: Karabaş.
Did it mean 'Black-headed' or 'sacred leader' or 'high commander'? Secondary questions.

Thracian Hero Karabasmos - Turkish Karabaş - Thrakischer Held Karabasmo-Ἥρωι Καραβασμῳ


There is an issue that I want to study > 
The word Ἥρωι = Heros I think this had something to do with the Turkish root ur- meaning to set, to build and/or the tribe, the clan.


Uzunbacak Adem

Wednesday, February 16, 2022


Athamanians-Athamanes-Atamanlar-Athamanyalilar-Greek or Barbarian Tribe?

Aslında barbar olan Atamanlar veya Atamanyalılar, niyeyse sonradan has Antik Grek boyu olarak kabul edilmişlerdir. 

3100 yıl önce 'İstilacı Dorlar, azılı savaşçılar olan Atamanyalıları yenemezler.' (bakınız görselde 1100 BC)

Bu bilgi şöyle kenarda dursun, ilerde lazım olur!


Ben bu insanları Türkçe ‘ataman’la buluştururum. Türk kişi adı ve/ya sanı olan bu sözcük, daha o tarihlerde Ata ve pekiştirme soneki -man (kocaman, saruman)’dan türemiş olabilir. Ataman, büyük ata demek olabilir veya ata- (atanan)’dan geliyor olabilir. 

Gelecek çalışmalarda işe yarayabilir!





Wiki says:

"Although they were regarded as "barbarians" by Strabo and Hecataeus of Miletus, the Athamanians affirmed that they were Greeks and they were also seen as Greeks by Plato who stated “the descendants of Athamas are Greek, of course” (Οι έκγονοι του Αθάμαντος, Έλληνες γάρ).[1] In addition, modern scholarship considers the Athamanians to have been a Greek tribe."

why first barbarian then Greek? nobody knows...

3100 years ago 'The invading Dorians cannot defeat the fierce warriors Atamanians.' (see image 1100 BC)


I bring these people together with Turkish 'Ataman'. This word, which is a Turkish person name and / or nickname/title, was probably already used in those days. Ataman could be derived from ATA (Father) the suffix -man (like in Toraman (very big), Saruman (very yellowish). Ataman may mean great ancestor or may come from the verb ata- (assigned).

It may come in handy in future studies!


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Romalıların AMOR’u varsa Türklerin AMIR’ı var

ProtoAltay (sakin, nazik, sevgi anlamindaki)

*ăm- kökünden yapılan amır, amrak(>sevmek) gibi sözcükler, Latince, kökü belli olmayan

‘amo-or’> Tanrı Amor’a (Cupid) anlam ve yapi olarak benzer?


Bu arada Akadca ramu/ra’amu da  sevmek demek/3



If Romans have AMOR, Turks have AMIR!

Let's look at ProtoAltaic *ăm- (meaning calm, gentle, affectionate) 

Younger words such as amir, amrak (> to love) made from this root *ăm-.


Compare this Altaic root with Latin word AMOR with unknown root 'amo-or' > God Amor (Cupid)



By the way, ramu/ra'amu in Akkadian means to love.

Look at the pics below:




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  Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft * Mr. Pauly mentions the name of a chieftain of the Germanic tribe called Ch...