Saturday, November 27, 2021


Karakacan Karakachan 


www diyor ki bu köpek teee Eski Trakyalılarla Balkanlar'a gelmiş, en eski çoban köpeği ırklarından biri. Bu Eski Trakyalılar'ın bugünkü adı Karakaçanlar. Kara ve kaçan sözcükleri açık ve seçik. Wiki de zaten kelime kökeni ilkin Türkçe'dir diyor.
Güzel köpek!
 www says this dog is one of the oldest shepherd dog breeds that came to the Balkans with the Ancient Thracians. 
The present name of these Ancient Thracians is Karakachans. The words in this combination>"kara=black" and "kaçan= fleeing" are clear and distinct. Wiki already says that the origin of the word is Turkish first. 

Nice dog!

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KARABELA Polonya-Litvanya Ulus Birliği'nde, 17.-18. yy arası sıkça kullanılmış süvari kılıcı. Bu kılıcın adındaki KARA'yı İtalyanca cara-bella (değerli güzel) veya KERBELA'ya bağlayan tezler olsa da, bence en mantıklı açıklama tabii ki Türkçe KARA BELA Modeli Türk. Ayrıca bir kılıcı "degerli güzelim" diye adlandıran var mıdır? 

Karabela Türkçedir... Kuşku? Yok.


A cavalry sword that was used frequently between 17th-18th. C in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Although there are theses that connect the name of this sword, KARA, to Italian cara-bella (precious beautiful???) or KERBELA, I think the most logical explanation is of course Turkish KARA BELA The model is Turkish. And Would you call your sword Precious beautiful? C'mon...
It is Turkish.. Doubt? No.

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Pics: Wiki



Isviçreli Kalem üreticisi

*Caran d’Ache* Guinness Rekorlar Kitabı’nda kayıtlı, dünyanın en pahalı dolmakalemini üreten firmanın adı. Türkçe sözcük nerde mi? >Firmanın adında. 
(Карандаш) Karandaş Rusça kurşun kalem demek! Türkçe aslı ‘kara+taş’


 Swiss Pen manufacturer *Caran d'Ache* The name of the company that produces the most expensive fountain pen in the world, registered in the Guinness Book of Records. Where is the Turkish word? >In the name of the company. (Карандаш)Karandaş means pencil in Russian! Turkish original 'black+stone'

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Greek Kallikantzaros Bulgarian Karakoncul Serbian Karakoncula Ingilizce Wiki Yunanca kalos-kentauros’u (güzel beygir adam) ilk köken olarak veriyor!?!? Bence buz gibi Türkçe sözcük >Kara-konçlu Balkan dillerindeki en olası kökeni Türkçe ‘kara bacaklı’dır. Resmine bakınca bu daha iyi anlaşılır

Greek Kallikantzaros Bulgarian Karakoncul Serbian Karakoncula
English Wiki gives the kalos-kentauros (beautiful horseman) as the first origin!?!? Beautiful horse-man? I think it's a crystal clear Turkish word >Kara-konçlu (Turkish for "black legged/calf") The most likely origin of the versions of Kallikantzaros in the Balkan languages is the Turkish 'black-legged'. This is better understood when you look at the picture of this mythological character.

Pic-source: wikipedia

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Kara‘dan devam edeyim.

Sırpça KARAMUT adlı armut türü Türkçe Kara Armut sözcüğünden gelir. Bu bilgi heryerde yok Slightly smiling face * #karamut #kruška #kruškacrnica #karaarmut #armut 

Pic: WIki

Kara‘dan devam edeyim. Sırpça KARAMUT adlı armut türü Türkçe Kara Armut sözcüğünden gelir. Bu bilgi heryerde yok Slightly smiling face * #karamut #kruška #kruškacrnica #karaarmut #armut
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pic: wiki


Let me continue with the Turkish word KARA The pear type named KARAMUT in Serbian comes from the Turkish word "Kara Armut". This information is not available everywhere!

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Today's issue is the ancient Turkish word KARA

meaning simply "black". It is but not that simple. No. Link below is about the word kara and its meanings. The author of this short article shows the "black" in Korean, Japanese and Chinese cultures.

Black means sacred, big, huge, holy ,high noble, strong, too.


Bugünün konusu eski Türkçe KARA kelimesidir. basitçe "siyah" anlamına gelir. Öyle ama o kadar basit de değil. Hayır. Aşağıdaki link kara kelimesi ve anlamları hakkındadır. Bu kısa makalenin yazarı Kore, Japon ve Çin kültürlerinde "siyah"ı gösteriyor. Kara, kutsal, büyük, iri, kutsal, yüksek asil, güçlü de demektir.


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Sunday, November 21, 2021


Merhaba, iyi pazarlar. 

Twitter'dan bir sözcük bırakayım:

Yunanca κόρῠς (korus) başlık demek. Başı korumaya yarayan bir eşyanın adı. İçine koru- kökü olabilir mi? Neden Türkçe öneri mi? Çünkü sözcüğün Yunanca/Hint Avrupaca bir kökeni bulunamıyor. Türkçe koru- ise çok uygun. Ne dersiniz.

Aşağıdaki bağlantıda Proto Altay / Proto Türk etimolojileri verilmiş.

Şimdi ben de bu konuda birkaç görsel bırakayım:



Hello, have a nice day.

Let me leave a word from Twitter:

Greek κόρῠς (grove) means helmet. The name of an item used to protect the head. Turkish root koru- could be the etymology? 
Why Turkish suggestion? Because there is no Greek/Indo-European origin/etymo. Turkish koru- (to preserve, to protect) is indeed very suitable.

Proto Altay / Proto Turkish etymologies are given in the link below.

Now let me leave a few images about it: See the images above!


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Saturday, November 20, 2021


Today's issue is the ancient Turkish word KARA

meaning simply "black". It is but not that simple. No. Link below is about the word kara and its meanings. The author Choi shows the "black" in Korean, Japanese and Chinese cultures in this shot article:

Black means not only Black in Ancient Turkish but also Holy, Sacred, Strong, too.

In those pics above you see many examples how a Turkish tradition about BLACK gone into the traditions of the adjacent cultures and peoples.


First personality with KARA in his name is Caratacus, a Celtic chieftain who resisted the Roman conquest of Britain (1. C AD). the last -s or -us we can put away than we have KARATAK / KARATAKU we can explain them with Kara-Tag (Holy Mountain) or Kara-takı (Strong Bird, Hen)

A Turkish Elite Force/Commander/Chieftain who lead and organized the Celtic Tribes against Roman Rule?

Second one is KHARATON the first King of the European Huns we could translate this totally Turkish word as Black Coat/ed, but it could be Holy Coat/ed, too. See below the article. 
Vambery and Pritsak say the same.pic3 Wiki Han-Woo Choi suggests TON is od Turkish origin pic1


and now the "HOLY" insect of Ancient Egyptian. Latin Scarabaeus<Greek Karabos κάραβος(Origin unclear; the irregular suffix and phonetics suggest a Pre-Greek loan) Look at the Turkish word KARABÖ meaning "black insect".(BÖ means venomous spider, later any kind of small insect)

After Egyptian Scarabeo now look at Akkadian Agarbio(>Scorpion) A clear similarity bw these 2 words
(s)agarbio - (s) corpion >< (s)carabeo 
both are maybe from bö? Is it the basic similarity?
I think I have the point here, a new point, I guess. Wiktionary had this point, too

There Are surely other KARA personalities, places, animals that we can chase and find in the world history.

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  Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft * Mr. Pauly mentions the name of a chieftain of the Germanic tribe called Ch...