Le Bain Turc - Ingres
Jardin Turc - Boilly
Le Grand Turc - Hotel/Restaurant in France
Tête de Turc - in French a kind of scape goat
Ain el Turk - Algerian town (Ain El Turk:Turkish Fountain)
Kuzey Kibris Türk Cumhuriyeti
Escargot Turc - Türk Salyangozu - Turkish Snail
Le point Turc - a kind of stitch
Fort comme un Turc - Strong like a Turk
Le Grand Turc - Turkish Emperor
Satin Turc - All-silk fabric
Turkish Angora - Cat breed
Turkish Van - Cat breed
Alla Turca - Turkish way
Coleophora Turca - Moth - Türk pervanesi (güve)
Mythimna Turca - Moth - güve
Moustached Turca - an endemic bird in Chile
Marcia alla Turca - Mozart's Piano Sonata #11
Marcha Turca - Beethoven Op. 113 n.º 4
Schiava Turca - Turkish Slave - Parmigianino
Municipio Turco - Bolivian district
Luigi il Turco - Türkenlouis
Corazòn de Turco - A film from Argentina
Turckheim - A commune in France
Turcilingi - obscure barbarian people (by Jordanes)
A couple of villages with "Turc"
Turcos/Turkos - French Soldiers
Turk Shahi - Turkish Dynasty of Kabul
Turk Basha - Türk Baş Ağa - A title in Ethiophian Army
Turk Peak - Turks Head - Turks Head Bay
Turka - A city in Ukraine
Turka River - Buryatia
Turka - a genus of robber flies
Turkana - a people in Africa
Turkanapithecus - A Kind of distant primate
Turkey - a kind of bird
Wild Turkey - a good bourbon
Turkey the Bridge - a short movie - nominated for Oscar Award
Turkiyya - Turkish Sudan
Turkmene - A Turkish people & Horse Breed
Turkokratie - Turkish Rule
Turkopole - Sons of Turks, Recruited light cavalry (Crusaders Era)
Turkovice - A town in Czech Republic
Turks and Caicos Islands - Türk ve Kayığı Adaları :)
Turks and Caicos Rock Iguana - Cyclura Carinata
Turkish Delight - A Film by Verhoeven - with the Star Rutger Hauer - nominated for Oscar
Turksib -Turkestan Siberia Railway
Turku - A city in Finland
Turku PS - Turun Palloseura - Soccer team from Turku
Turkwel River - A river in Africa
Türckische Cammer - Museum in Dresden
Waltenhofen - a town with a district called Türken and an interesting coat of arms
Türken (German verb) - to lie, to fake
Türk in many languages
Kruzitürken - a curse in Germany, Austria, Switzerland
Kümmeltürke : a curse from Germany (normally conservative student)
Türkeiweg - a street in Austria
Türkenammer - a bird - emberiza cineracea
Türkenbrunnen - Türk çeşmesi
Türkenbundlilie - Lilium Martagon
Turkenbund - Turk's Head Knot - Bonnet Turc
Türkenlinde - a monumental tree
Türkenkapelle - Türk küçük kilisesi (pic - Ilmmünster Türkenkapelle)
Türkenkleiber - a bird - Sitta Krueperi (Küçük Sıvacı Kuşu)
Türkischer Mohn - Papaver Orientale
Türkenoper - A kind of opera genre
Türkensteuer - Tax for the battling army against Turks
Sella Turcica - the one and only organ having a name a people
Türkensitz - Sukhasana (bağdaş)
La Pierre Turquaise - Turkish Stone (in the Region of Paris/France)
Türkensterz - a kind of maize food
Türkensäbel - Turkish sword
Türkentaube - Streptopelia decaocto - Kumru
Türkgücü München - 3. Club in German professional soccer leagues from Munich (1. Bayern München and 2. 1860 München)
Türkis/Turquoise - a color or a mineral of mixed color of green/blue
Türkischer Rotgarn - Turkish Red Color Yarn Dyeing
Türkisches Papier - Ebru
Türkisches Süßholz - Licorice - Meyan Kökü
Türkische Dame - Turkish Draughts (Dama)
Türkische Hose - Bloomers
Turkish worm lizard - Blanus Strauchi
Türkisches Dreieck - Bauelement - A component for the buildings
Tertia Tuerei - a kind of grasshopper
Burg Turquestein - in France a ruin
Turquel - a city in Portugal
The Turk - Schachtürke - Mechanical Turk - Chess playing machine
* Turk's Head Cactus - Echinocactus horizonthalonius - A kind of cactus
Turk 182 - a Hollywood movie (1985)
Turkish - the name of Jason Statham in the movie "Snatch"
Türkenbirne - Bergamotta - Beg Armudu
Türkenbund - (Türk Türbanı) Turbo Cidaris - Sea snail
Türkengebet - A prayer against Turks - preghiera contra li Turchi
Türkenglocke - Noon bells in the churches in all three confessions all over the world
Türkenkalender - 1455 - Gutenberg's calendar about the Turks and their atrocities
Türkenklee - A kind of clover - Onobrychis sativa
Tyrkland - Birthplace of Odin?
Türkentrank - Coffee ( A song from Germany for Children)
Christopher Turk - a character of the series Scrubs
In A Turkish Town - Ritchie Valens' song
There across the sea waits my fair loved one In a Turkish town waiting there for me And I know that someday we'll live and love So the mystic Turks say from the stars up above
So wait there, my loved one, I'm coming home To my little Turkish girl in a Turkish town To my little Turkish girl in a Turkish town
So wait there, my loved one, I'm coming home To my little Turkish girl in a Turkish town To my little Turkish girl in a Turkish town
Persian Torke khar - Donkey Turk (for Azerbaijani Turks)
Maltese phrases like: tghammed tork (a Turk has been baptized) - twieled tork (A Turk was bird) - are used for rare events
Romanian "Măi, turcule" - "You, Turk" like "You, ignorant person"
Canis Turcus - a very interesting point without real source. Supposedly the Persian brought a dog breed to Portugal 2600 years ago. I read it everywhere in www but a real source I don't have. When it is true, than the name Turk exists since 2600 years. Portuguese Water Dog have its ancestors by these dogs. It is going interestingly further. Spanish Water Dog is called Turco Andaluz.
Turk baff - Turkish Knots - like the knots on the Pazyryk Carpet - Ghiordes Knot (Gördes)
Türkische Gurke - Paisley Motive - Şal deseni
The Football Club Deportivo La Coruna has the nickname TURCOS!
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Pics: Wikipedia