gefunden. Ich denke, framm bedeutet Fragment und die Corno, des Hornes. Der Rest ist nur zum archivieren wichtig.
Unser italienischer Wissenschaftler Blogger Kollege schreibt ZINE darunter. Was es bedeutet, schreibt er nicht, oder was es bedeuten könnte. ZINE.
Ich habe diese 4 Buchstaben mit Hilfe des Kazim Mirsan gelesen.
Es steht: Ok Is On Uc
Ok bedeutet auf Türkisch "Pfeil", hier ein "Mann (ein bestimmter aus einem bestimmten Stamm, Mirsan nennt diese Skythen). Wir kennen dieses Zeichen schon von woanders. Männlichkeitssymbol mit O und einem Pfeil (siehe Volvo) oder die Türken sagen: Oglandir OK tur her evde yoktur. (Ein Sohn ist ein Pfeil, den nicht jeder Haushalt hat). Eventuell kann ich ins Deutsche als Krieger übersetzen.
I bedeutet IS, das bedeutet Gefühl, Geist, etc. das 3te Zeichen ist ein N (Spiegelbild), bedeutet Erfolg / -reich und das letzte ein UC (Haupt, Spitze, Commander).
Ich übersetze diese Buchstaben:
OK hisli basarili Komutan - Der mit OK Gefühl (ist) ein erfolgreicher Commander.
Quelle: oben der Link
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Sanzeno I
Sanzeno II
Yukarda gördüğünüz bu 4 Harfi ben internette yukardaki adreste buldum.
Framm dedigi parca anlamında olmali ve Corno da boynuz anlamında. Yeni bi boynuzun parçası.
Diler bilgiler arşiv bilgileri.
Italyan bilimadamimiz diyor ki burda ZINE yazıyor, anlamı ne, söylemiyor, sade ZINE.
Ben ise Kazim Mirsanin yardımıyla bu yazılanı çözdüm:
Türkcede Ok un ne anlama geldigini yazmaya gerek yok. Oglandir oktur, her evde yoktur. Savasci er anlamında. Bu işareti Volvo arabalarinda da görürüz. (Mirsan Oklari Iskitler olarak anlıyor) Çok açıklamaya gerek yok.
I harfi de IS (yani hissiyat, ruh, duygu anlamindadir) . 3üncü harf ise N harfinin aynadaki yansimasidir ve On anlamında (basarili demektir). Son harf ise UC harfidir ve Uç anlamindadir. Yeni komutan, baš, šef.
Hepsini bir araya getirdim mi hangi cümle cikiyor: Ok hissiyatindaki basarili komutan.
Itirazi olan? Lütfen yazsın.
I have read these 4 letters in above mentioned link.
I think "frame" means "fragment" and "di corno" means "of a horn". The remaining text/numbers is/are only important for filing.
Our Italian scientist blogger colleague writes "ZINE" below. He doesn't write what it means, or what it could mean. ZINE.
I have read these 4 letters by means of Prof. Dr. Kazim Mirsan's publications.
It's written (from right to left):
"OK" means in Turkish "arrow", here a "man" (a certain man from a certain tribe, Mirsan calles it the "Scythians").
But we already know this sign from elsewhere. The male symbol with an O and an arrow (also seen in the Volvo car brand mark).
Or as the Turks say: "Oglandir OKtur her evde yoktur" (a son is an arrow, that not every household has). Perhaps you can translate it as "warrior".
"I " means "IS", this means "emotion, spirit, etc".
The 3rd sign, a mirrored "N" means "ON" and this means "success/successful" and the last sign an "UC" means "head, peak, chief/commander".
I translate these letters:
"The one with 'OK emotion'/'warrior spirit' (is) a successful chief/commander".
Any objections?
Any oppositions?
You're welcome, I'm waiting for your comments.
Sources: the link above, the heading below
Uzunbacak Adem
Itirazi olan? Lütfen yazsın.
I have read these 4 letters in above mentioned link.
I think "frame" means "fragment" and "di corno" means "of a horn". The remaining text/numbers is/are only important for filing.
Our Italian scientist blogger colleague writes "ZINE" below. He doesn't write what it means, or what it could mean. ZINE.
I have read these 4 letters by means of Prof. Dr. Kazim Mirsan's publications.
It's written (from right to left):
"OK" means in Turkish "arrow", here a "man" (a certain man from a certain tribe, Mirsan calles it the "Scythians").
But we already know this sign from elsewhere. The male symbol with an O and an arrow (also seen in the Volvo car brand mark).
Or as the Turks say: "Oglandir OKtur her evde yoktur" (a son is an arrow, that not every household has). Perhaps you can translate it as "warrior".
"I " means "IS", this means "emotion, spirit, etc".
The 3rd sign, a mirrored "N" means "ON" and this means "success/successful" and the last sign an "UC" means "head, peak, chief/commander".
I translate these letters:
"The one with 'OK emotion'/'warrior spirit' (is) a successful chief/commander".
Any objections?
Any oppositions?
You're welcome, I'm waiting for your comments.
Sources: the link above, the heading below
Uzunbacak Adem
Tags: Zine, Adolfo Zavaroni, Bündnerromanisch, Rätoromanisch, raetic inscriptions, sanzeno, etruskisch, etruscan, prototürkisch, proto türkisch, prototürkce, etrüskce
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