Sunday, October 9, 2022




Master Robert Beekes says in his book "Pre-Greek" that

βόμβυξ, -υκος [m.] ‘silkworm’ (Arist.). We may compare several words for ‘cot- ton’ (cf. βαμβάκιον ‘coton’), of which Osman. pambuk ‘cotton’ is the best match. The word may derive from an original *p/bamb-ūk- (with suffix -uk-, see; the quantity of the υ is unknown, but it was probably long).


It is a Pre-Greek word for silkworm, Probably related also to βάμβαξ (bámbaxcotton)(wiktionary). Origin unknown. The best match is the Ottoman Turkish pambuk but that would be senseless, because Ottoman Turkish ist a very new language.


My turn:

What if, when this word was transferred to Ancient Greek through people with Turkish tongue and Turkish ears, a couple of thousands of years ago? 

They would be the same tongue and ears who heard the word somewhere and gave it further to Ancient Greeks. 

A possibility?


Uzunbacak Adem 

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