Saturday, September 24, 2022



Zeus - (wiki)

Today's issue is an Anatolian epiclesis of Zeus called OGMENOS!


Mr. Pauly says that this word is of Anatolian (Kleinasien) origin. 

Meaning? We don't know.


Now it is my turn:

There is a verb called ögmen meaning "to be praised".

It is a word that the Christians use in connection with the God:

Acc. to wiktionary:

Lord be praised

  1. Used by Christians to thank God.
  2. Expressing surprised happiness or thankfulness.


Were there people who praised the God in a Turkic language in Anatolian in ancient times?

There is an other epiclesis (nickname) of Zeus > Ombrios (Rainbringer) and Turkic YAMBIR. You can read below more:


Uzunbacak Adem

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  * Homeric words with a possible Turkic etymology letters I - PHI - CH - PS - O  Υ   Φ   Χ   Ψ   Ω * Homeric word  meaning  Türkic word  me...