Sunday, May 1, 2022


Wikisource Paulys RE says under

Acheloos - Ἀχελῷος

Acheloos (Ἀχελῷος) scheint ursprünglich bei den Griechen, ebenso wie die stammverwandten Namen Ἀχέρων und Ἴναχος, das Element des fliessenden Wassers überhaupt bezeichnet zu haben, ein Sprachgebrauch für welchen sich noch in der späteren Zeit in gewissen Formeln des Cultus Beweise erhalten haben und aus welchem sich am einfachsten die so weit verbreitete Verehrung des Acheloos erklärt (s. unten). Localisiert wurde derselbe dann als Eigenname verschiedener Flüsse, vor allen...


English Translation:

Acheloos (Ἀχελῷος) seems originally to have referred to the element of flowing water among the Greeks, as well as the ancestral names Ἀχέρων and Ἴναχος, a language usage for which proofs were preserved later in certain formulas of the cult and from which is the easiest way to explain the widespread worship of Acheloos (see below). The same was then localized as a proper name of various rivers, above all.....


Acc. to wiktionary it has no Greek etymology:


Akkadian, Semitic, Pre-Greek?

Maybe Turkic?

Thers is a word, a very old Turkic word: 

Akığlığ < Ak-: to flow, to stream

meaning streaming, fluid, flowing.

Can it be the root?

P.S.: Among the Etruscans, there is a bearded and ox-horned god called Achlae. It is said that it came from Greek!

Uzunbacak Adem

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