Sunday, May 29, 2022


Mother>Turkish Anne - Ana - Ene

I read today again Paulys RE:

In very ancient times as you wanted to address a goddess on Cyprus, you used ANASSA.

We know Hittite Mother-Goddess HANNAHANNA, meaning "The Grandmother"(Anneanne) or Sumerian INANNA.

There are many Turkic Goddesses you address with ANA, like Umay ANA, Ak ANA, Od ANA, Kubay ANA, .........  
(ANA = mother> His mother > ANASI).

I have already made a list of deities whose name contain ANA:


This ANASSA could be related to those with the word ANA/ANNA/ENE, etc.


Uzunbacak Adem

Friday, May 27, 2022




She is the woman, who waited 20 years for her husband. 

Penelope. Her older name is Ameirake, Amirakis, Ἀμειράκη.


I looked for an etymology of Ameirake, Amirakis, Ἀμειράκη of this Spartan Princess, without success.

There is almost nothing about this name.


Ok, there is maybe no reason for that but There is a wonderful suitable word for t hat in Turkic.

AMRAK: means beloved, darling.

AMIRIK: could mean s/he who was loved, beloved.




Probably no. But I should write it down.

Uzunbacak Adem 


Not my idea. I saw it in www. I only added the German Duden interpretation of the word and some own ideas to it.

A very interesting word: Hung. tolmács, German Dolmetscher (concensus>from Turkic TILMAÇ<TIL= tongue) Duden: from an "Anatolian" language Wolfram Wilss, a German Scholar: A Mitanni word


German Duden (the most famous dict of standart High German Language) has no exact idea. It doesn't say anything about the exact "roots" of this word. It doesn't refer to Turkish language, either (probably for good reason). On the other hand we have the article by J. NÉMETH 



J. NÉMETH (a famous Hungarian linguist and Turkologist) says that the word TILMAÇ is definitely a Turkish word.

And Statistin and Dybo could construct a Proto Altaic *tilV
Proto-Turkic *dɨl / *dil 

: "A Turk.-Tung. isogloss".



We have in the end: A Mitanni word TALAMI meaning INTERPRETER AND a Turkish one TILMAÇ, meaning INTERPRETER


And now I ask the right question: How is it possible that 2 words that are in so different in geography and distinct in time (Mitanni word is app. 3500 years old) are similar to each other in form and meaning? Where and when was the junction?

>Türks have an older language than all others are thinking. Have a nice day... Uzunbacak Adem

Thursday, May 26, 2022



Buje, Hırvatstan’ın Adriyatik kıyısında küçük bir kent. Gezip görmek iyi geldi.

3 Osmanlı Türkçesi sözcük gördüm bugün: Kula < Kule (tower) Ajvar < Havyar (Caviar (because of color)) Cevapçiçi < Kebap (grilled meat) * Tamam, bilinen sözcükler ama ben yine de yazayım dedim.


😔OBITUERY😔 Adembegovic < Adem Bey The first Adem of this line was probably a Herr > Herr Adem His and my name lived and live here on Adriatic Coast. 3 words that I immediately recognized on it: Djed: Granpa Sati: hour/o‘clock * 😔RIP Adem Beg’s grandson😔

Here I have a very funny/interesting picture #Markuslöwe #Lion of St. Mark the symbol of Venetian Republic From Motovun / Montona from Istria Enjoy it:

#Markuslöwe #Lion of St. Mark *

Bugün eskiden Venedik Cumhuriyeti’nr ait İstriya kasabaları olan Momyan Gıroznıyan Motovun’u gezdim. Birkaç görsel bırakayım! * 🇬🇧I have visited today 3 ex Venetian towns in Istria: Momjan Groznjan Motovun Some impressions!


Teatro romano / Trieste / Italia:

Teatro romano / Trieste / Italia:

Poreç kentinden bir bahçe. A garden from Poreč/Croatia:


Uzunbacak Adem


Herodotus The Histories Turkic/Scythian names?

Hungarian wikipedia

English Wikipedia OKTAR

Oktamasades <Oktar < Turkic Öktemek same root?

Herodot Iskit Başbuğu Oktamasades’ten bahseder.(4:80)

Bu ad Türkçe olabilir mi? * Atilla öncesi Hun Başbuğu Oktar’ı biliyoruz. Pritsak Eski Türkçe ökte-: (yüreklendirmek) eyleminden gelir diyor. Ökte- (v)> Öktem: yürekli (brave, strong) >? Oktamasades Aynı kökten mi acaba?

Herodot erwähnt den skythischen Häuptling Oktamasades (4:80). 
Kann dieser Name türkisch sein? 
Wir kennen den Prä-Atilla Hunnenhäuptling Oktar. 
Pritsak sagt, Oktavs Name kommt vom alttürkischen Verb ökte-: (ermutigen). 
Ökte- (v)> Öktem: mutig (stark) >? Oktamasades Ist es aus der gleichen Wurzel?
Herodotus mentions the Scythian Chief Oktamasades (4:80).

Can this name be Turkish?
We know the pre-Atilla Hun Chief Oktar. Pritsak says it comes from the Old Turkish verb ökte-: (to encourage).

Ökte- (v)> Öktem: brave (strong) >? Oktamasades

Is it from the same root?



Herodot’un "Tarih" adlı betiğinde İskitleri anlattığı 4. bölümde andığı adlar, Türkologlar için ilginç ve önemliydi, hala önemlidir.

Bunlar hakkında araştırmalar vardı, hala var.

Ben kendi açımdan ilgimi çekenleri aşağıya bırakayım.

Herbiri daha ayrıntılı araştırılmayı hakediyor bence.



The names that Herodotus mentioned in Chapter 4, where he describes the Scythians in his script called "The Histories", were interesting and important for Turcologists, and they are still important.

There was research on these, and there are still.

I'll leave the ones that interest me from my point of view below.

I think each deserves further investigation.



Die Namen, die Herodot in Kapitel 4 erwähnte, wo er die Skythen in seiner Schrift mit dem Titel „Historien“ beschreibt, waren interessant und wichtig für Turkologen, und sie sind immer noch wichtig.

Darüber wurde geforscht, und es gibt sie immer noch.

Diejenigen, die mich aus meiner Sicht interessieren, lasse ich unten.

Ich denke, jeder verdient eine weitere Untersuchung.

Scythian/Turkic Names in Histories/Ἱστορίαι/Tarih Herodotus/Herodot



Saturday, May 14, 2022


Luchs-Lynx-Vašak-Eski Türkçe Anduk


Pauly'nin RE (Real Encyclopedia) adlı eserinden bir Saka Boyu bırakayım:

Antacati * Bu bodunun adı Türkçemizdeki bir çok sözcükle uyumlu olabilir: Antaça: Eski Türkçe tam orada/tam o anda Antık-: "Ant iç"mek anlamında Anduk/Andık: Sırtlan/Vaşak


* Bir bağlantı kurulabilir mi?

Uzunbacak Adem



Let me drop you the name of a Saca tribe  from Pauly's RE (Real Encyclopedia): 


The name of this bod may be compatible with many words in our Turkish: 

Such as:

 Antaça: Old Turkish right there/right at that moment 

Antık-: "Ant iç" In the sense of "to take an oath" 

Anduk/Andık: Hyena/Lynx (-t Plural making suffix?)

Can a connection be established?



Sarmatian Warrior from Brittania with a Tug Banner (Rossschweif)

How many Sarmatian words do we know?

  Believe it or not   ——Only 1 (one)——(So why do we believe that Sarmatian is Indo European?)  It is a battle cry: MARHA   I know only one another battle cry that ends with -rha *VURHA (C‘mon, hit it) a Turkish one Possible? . (Probably the origin of *Hurra, too)

Uzunbacak Adem



Kaç Sarmatça kelime biliyoruz? 

 İnan ya da inanma 

 ——Yalnızca 1 tane (bir)—— (Ama herkes Sarmatça bir Hint Avrupa Dili'dir, diyor) 

Bir savaş narası: 


 -rha ile biten sadece bir başka savaş narası tanıyorum:

*VURHA (Haydi, vur) 

 bir Türk 

 Olabilir mi? 

(Muhtemelen *Hurra'nın da kökeni)

Uzunbacak Adem


Twitter Pal Lili has posted:

2/ As the monarch did not let go of his ideas in the trial with the natives, did not reduce the taxes imposed, a desperate participant took off his boots and slammed them to the emperor while shouting, "Marha, marha!" (from Ammianus Marcellinus)


  Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft * Mr. Pauly mentions the name of a chieftain of the Germanic tribe called Ch...