Monday, June 1, 2020


Today I asked in Twitter:


General consensus:
Phoenician> WestGreek> Etruscan> Latin> European Runes
Phoenician> Aramaic> Sogdian> Turkish Runes
When we think the both followed absolutely different ways, they are very similar to each other! Just because these two have the same grandma?Any other conjunction?


Now, look at the table below:

There are 2 kinds of Runes on this world.
Turkish Runes and European Runes:

Acc. to consensus they have nothing common, because they developed free from each other.

I compared them. They have not only the similarity in shape but also in sound value.
But how is it possible?

Coincidence? Convergence? Continuitiy?

We know that these both peoples *Scandinavian and Turkish* were very good neighbors and business partners, for very long hundreds of years. 

Is it not possible that they got them from each other?

And why can not we accept that the Turkish People can't have any spiritual culture?
Why can't they create an alphabet? 

We know that many runes have Turkish 'names' like 

Eb: Old Turkic letter B2.svg : house
El: Old Turkic letter L2.svg : hand
Er: Old Turkic letter R2.svg: man
At: Old Turkic letter T1.svg : horse
Ök: Old Turkic letter UK.svg: ibex
Ok: Old Turkic letter OQ.svg: arrow
Yay: Old Turkic letter Y1.svg: bow

At and Ök runes are, for instance, are stylized shapes of animals, el, too.
Yay and Ok are the the same like the original "tool".

Here is my comparison. Please look at it and decide yourself:

Uzunbacak Adem

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