Sunday, June 21, 2020


Γοργώ : Gorgu : Turkish Korku => γοργόνες : gorgones : Turkish korkunç


I have asked the first question above or I have given the first answer. You know now what it is about today:

The etymology of gorgon, a terrible creature that people are afraid of!

An Amazon with her shield bearing the Gorgon head image. Tondo of an Attic red-figure kylix, 510–500 BC

We see here above an Amazon with a Gorgon on her shield. There are many examples in Etruscan and Greek history/art/legends, that many warriors had Gorgon heads on their shields, like Achilles, or on chariots.

Let's see the etymology of this 'word'

Wiki says:

Gorgo/Gorgu means terrible. 
Derivations of this words have, of course, similar meanings:

altgriechisch γοργόνες, (Γόργονες, ων) gorgónes
Singular Gorgone (Γοργών) oder Gorgo (Γοργώ) says, the word has an unknown etymology:

A word of unknown origin!

And now it is my turn:

Etymology could be Turkish!

Korku/Gorku means in Turkish (Old Turkish, too) the fear. Kork- (v) means to be afraid of.
Possibly derived from the root kor- (v) to protect.

Now when we look at our word and creature GORGON, we can find these two meaning immediately.
The hero's of the Greeks and Etruscan and Amazones had it on their shield and chariots to make the opponents fear and to protect themselves. 

A word with a rich past that has 2 functions: to make your opponent afraid / to protect yourself. 

2 ideas that every warrior has!

A nice sunday!

Uzunbacak Adem

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