Saturday, June 13, 2020



today about some words of miscellaneous origin!
Some suggestions of mine:

* Azalea: a flower = Turkish aç: to bloom, to blossom, blühen 
* Adjacence: lie at, border upon = Turkish yak-ın < = yak- to touch, yakın: near
* Oikos: Greek for house = Turkish öy, öy, öw (modern ev) : house, köy: Acc. to Kazim Mirsan from ÖK-ÜY: A dwelling with holy places.
* Aestus: Burn, fire = Turkish yaz: summer ===> OR acc. wiktionary Ancient Greek αἴθω (aíthō)), Old English ād (pyre) = Ancient Turkish od/ot: fire
* Latin Ager, Greek χώρα(khora) meaning soil, land= Turkish KIR: steppe, open land, earth
* Greek agos: to lead like Turkish/Mongolian aga, aka: leading person, German Vorsteher => Paşa: baş ağa (acc. to Tuncer Gülensoy)
* Latin artus: strict, scanty, brief. Narrow, close, fitted, confined, dense =Turkish artık : the rest, das Übrige, that after comma like 3 by "1,3"
* English Artery, German Ader, Arterie (Pulsader) is similar to "Atar-damar", "Atar" damar means "pulsating" artery.
* universal derm = Turkish deri, the skin. Greek δέρω, Proto Indo European root der : the skin, Latin tergus: Ancient Turkish teri: the skin. The Ancient Turkish teri and Latin Tergus are similar, PIE der and newer Turkish version deri are similar. 
* Energy = Turkish erk: power, Kraft. Turkish Erkek: the man
* Scotch Errol: acc. to  ..."and there is a probablity that it originates from something else such as a fused form of the ancient Gaelic personal name "Fhearghail."Man of Valour: Turkish "Yigit Er". Er means "the man" in Turkish Language since Adam and Eve.
*English ache = Turkish aci (Ache) : Form and meaning same. Ancient Turkish Agu: Poison
* Fibra, fiber: Turkish Ip: the string
* Flame = Turkish Yalım: Like IE flame, flamma, etc. Turkish word "Yalım" means the flame and the shine.

Uzunbacak Adem

                                       Azalea - Açelya 
Pic Source: English Wiki

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