Sunday, June 21, 2020


Γοργώ : Gorgu : Turkish Korku => γοργόνες : gorgones : Turkish korkunç


I have asked the first question above or I have given the first answer. You know now what it is about today:

The etymology of gorgon, a terrible creature that people are afraid of!

An Amazon with her shield bearing the Gorgon head image. Tondo of an Attic red-figure kylix, 510–500 BC

We see here above an Amazon with a Gorgon on her shield. There are many examples in Etruscan and Greek history/art/legends, that many warriors had Gorgon heads on their shields, like Achilles, or on chariots.

Let's see the etymology of this 'word'

Wiki says:

Gorgo/Gorgu means terrible. 
Derivations of this words have, of course, similar meanings:

altgriechisch γοργόνες, (Γόργονες, ων) gorgónes
Singular Gorgone (Γοργών) oder Gorgo (Γοργώ) says, the word has an unknown etymology:

A word of unknown origin!

And now it is my turn:

Etymology could be Turkish!

Korku/Gorku means in Turkish (Old Turkish, too) the fear. Kork- (v) means to be afraid of.
Possibly derived from the root kor- (v) to protect.

Now when we look at our word and creature GORGON, we can find these two meaning immediately.
The hero's of the Greeks and Etruscan and Amazones had it on their shield and chariots to make the opponents fear and to protect themselves. 

A word with a rich past that has 2 functions: to make your opponent afraid / to protect yourself. 

2 ideas that every warrior has!

A nice sunday!

Uzunbacak Adem

Saturday, June 13, 2020



today about some words of miscellaneous origin!
Some suggestions of mine:

* Azalea: a flower = Turkish aç: to bloom, to blossom, blühen 
* Adjacence: lie at, border upon = Turkish yak-ın < = yak- to touch, yakın: near
* Oikos: Greek for house = Turkish öy, öy, öw (modern ev) : house, köy: Acc. to Kazim Mirsan from ÖK-ÜY: A dwelling with holy places.
* Aestus: Burn, fire = Turkish yaz: summer ===> OR acc. wiktionary Ancient Greek αἴθω (aíthō)), Old English ād (pyre) = Ancient Turkish od/ot: fire
* Latin Ager, Greek χώρα(khora) meaning soil, land= Turkish KIR: steppe, open land, earth
* Greek agos: to lead like Turkish/Mongolian aga, aka: leading person, German Vorsteher => Paşa: baş ağa (acc. to Tuncer Gülensoy)
* Latin artus: strict, scanty, brief. Narrow, close, fitted, confined, dense =Turkish artık : the rest, das Übrige, that after comma like 3 by "1,3"
* English Artery, German Ader, Arterie (Pulsader) is similar to "Atar-damar", "Atar" damar means "pulsating" artery.
* universal derm = Turkish deri, the skin. Greek δέρω, Proto Indo European root der : the skin, Latin tergus: Ancient Turkish teri: the skin. The Ancient Turkish teri and Latin Tergus are similar, PIE der and newer Turkish version deri are similar. 
* Energy = Turkish erk: power, Kraft. Turkish Erkek: the man
* Scotch Errol: acc. to  ..."and there is a probablity that it originates from something else such as a fused form of the ancient Gaelic personal name "Fhearghail."Man of Valour: Turkish "Yigit Er". Er means "the man" in Turkish Language since Adam and Eve.
*English ache = Turkish aci (Ache) : Form and meaning same. Ancient Turkish Agu: Poison
* Fibra, fiber: Turkish Ip: the string
* Flame = Turkish Yalım: Like IE flame, flamma, etc. Turkish word "Yalım" means the flame and the shine.

Uzunbacak Adem

                                       Azalea - Açelya 
Pic Source: English Wiki

Thursday, June 11, 2020


Hallo reader,

we start today with SECURIS. It is a WEAPON, an AX.

You can read in www:

related to

The 'Proto IndoEuropean' root sec- means to cut. 

From the same root we have the word sex. 
I will write about sex below, but now firstly about the securis.

There are many axes that are called very similar:

Latin securis
Byzantine Greek tzikourion, tsekoúrion
Greek sagaris
Proto Slavic sekyra
Turkish çakar, çakan

I suggest the Turkish root çak-, meaning to hit, to hammer, to nail, to ram aaaannnd to cut.
It is a very old root that is still in use. In Chagatai Turkish there is/was a word called çak-an (meaning AX), from the same root with an other derivational affix that makes out of a verb a noun in a similar way like -ar.
Turkish Language had given Persian the word çāḳū (knife), Indian çaku, Mongolian çaku. 
Original Turkish word for all those is: çakı (jackknife) from the root çak- (to cut, to hit, etc.)

The Byzantine Greek words tzikourion, tsekoúrion give us the hint that the first letter should be ç, because the Greeks can not speak this letter but they say for that tz or ts. This is an other pillar that supports my thesis.

Sagaris should be the predecessor of tzikourion, it is simply older. AND it has no clear etymology.
This ax/war hammer was the weapon go middle Asian Scythian warriors who sat on the horse and fought. It is a perfect weapon for these mounted warriors because it was light and one side was not sharp. It was used by Amazons, too.

Scythian archer holding a sagaris, as depicted by the vase-painter Euphronios on an Attic red-figure neck amphora (510–500 BC, Louvre) (source wikipedia)

So far my suggestion. I think, it is acceptable.


And now to sex:

Olcas Sleymanov wrote that the European got the number 6 with a wrong name. For example English six or German sechs. 
It should be actually '8' that is called six or sechs.

Turkish word for 8 is sekiz meaning like 'to make love' sekis-. SEKIS is very similar to sex and sechs. The number 8 has the figure of a (woman) body, so that Olcas' Thesis could be right and I think we can't ignore a thesis of great Linguist Olcas Sleymanov.

And a fun fact:

Latin sec- is mirror image of Turkish kes- (mirror image), meaning to cut.
Interesting, too.
Keser means in Turkish adz from the root kes-, to cut.

Ok the last word:

There is an other ax called Francisca, Frank ax, derived from Proto-Germanic *sahsą (knife, dagger)(wiktionary) is very similar to out root 'çak-' and the Ancient Turkish word çakı (jackknife). Maybe?

Uzunbacak Adem

Saturday, June 6, 2020


Today a very long issue!
But I try to write this topic a little shorter.

Let's go!


Etruscan Language is a agglutinative language, with nouns and verbs showing suffixed inflectional endings, like Turkish, too. By both suffixing ist the main source to make words. 


Etruscan Language is no Indo-European language, Turkish, either.


Etruscan Language used colon (:) to separate the words, Ancient Turkish alphabet, too.


Etruscan had no words having a voiced stop (g, d, b), it had only voiceless stops (k, t, p)
Turkish have/had not words having a voiced stop (g, d, b, c), they must be changed into (k, t, p ,ç)


Both didn't have the sound 'F'


Both were written from right to left. 

In Archaic Etruscan the word order was Subject Object Verb, in Archaic Turkish, too. BOTH SOV languages. 


Both have no grammatical gender.


Plural making: Etruscan with suffixes -ar, -er, -ir, ur; Turkish -lar, -ler.


Etruscan: The first-person personal pronoun has a nominative mi ("I") and an accusative mini ("me")
Turkish: The first-person personal pronoun has a nominative ben/men ("I") and an accusative beni/meni ("me")


That's all for this time.

Uzunbacak Adem 


Etrüsk Dili, Türkçe gibi, çekim eki eklenmiş isim ve fiillerin bulunduğu, eklemeli bir dildir. Her ikisinde de ekler kelime oluşturmanın ana kaynağıdır.


Etrüsk Dili de Hint-Avrupa dili değildir, Türkçe de Hint-Avrupa dili değildir.


Etrüsk Dili, Eski Türk alfabesinde de olduğu gibi kelimeleri ayırmak için iki nokta üst üste (:) kullanmıştır.


Etrüsk dilinde (g, d, b) ile biten sözcükler yoktu, sözcükler (k, t, p) ile biterdi.

Türkçede sesli sonu olan (g, d, b, c) kelimeler,  (k, t, p,ç) şeklinde değiştirilmeleri gerekiyor.


Her ikisinde de 'F' sesi yoktu


Her ikisi de sağdan sola yazılmıştır.

Arkaik Etrüsk dilinde kelime sırası, Arkaik Türkçede de Özne Nesne Fiili şeklindeydi. Her ikisi de 'SOV' dili.


Her ikisinin de gramer cinsiyeti yoktur.


Çoğul yapımı: 
Etrüsk dilinde -ar, -er, -ir, ur sonekleri ile; 
Türkçe -lar, -ler ile.


Etrüsk dilinde: Birinci şahıs şahıs zamirinde yalın bir mi ("I") ve akuzatif mini ("me") bulunur
Türkçe: Birinci şahıs şahıs zamirinde yalın bir ben/men ("I") ve akuzatif beni/meni ("me") bulunur


Bu seferlik bu kadar.

Uzunbacak Adem

(kaynak: English Wiki)


Etrüsk Harflerinin Fenike ve Eski Türkçe ile karşılaştırılması için aşağıdaki görsele bakınız!:

Sonunda Etrüsk dilinin, Fenike dilinden çok, Türkçeye benzer veya aynı harflere sahip olduğunu görüyoruz.

Tadını çıkarın:



Below a comparison of Etruscan Letters  with Phoenician and Ancient Turkish:

At the end we see Etruscan have mor similar or same letters to Turkish than to Phoenician.

Enjoy it:

A comparison of Etruscan to Phoenician and Turkish letters by Uzunbacak Adem

Monday, June 1, 2020


Today I asked in Twitter:


General consensus:
Phoenician> WestGreek> Etruscan> Latin> European Runes
Phoenician> Aramaic> Sogdian> Turkish Runes
When we think the both followed absolutely different ways, they are very similar to each other! Just because these two have the same grandma?Any other conjunction?


Now, look at the table below:

There are 2 kinds of Runes on this world.
Turkish Runes and European Runes:

Acc. to consensus they have nothing common, because they developed free from each other.

I compared them. They have not only the similarity in shape but also in sound value.
But how is it possible?

Coincidence? Convergence? Continuitiy?

We know that these both peoples *Scandinavian and Turkish* were very good neighbors and business partners, for very long hundreds of years. 

Is it not possible that they got them from each other?

And why can not we accept that the Turkish People can't have any spiritual culture?
Why can't they create an alphabet? 

We know that many runes have Turkish 'names' like 

Eb: Old Turkic letter B2.svg : house
El: Old Turkic letter L2.svg : hand
Er: Old Turkic letter R2.svg: man
At: Old Turkic letter T1.svg : horse
Ök: Old Turkic letter UK.svg: ibex
Ok: Old Turkic letter OQ.svg: arrow
Yay: Old Turkic letter Y1.svg: bow

At and Ök runes are, for instance, are stylized shapes of animals, el, too.
Yay and Ok are the the same like the original "tool".

Here is my comparison. Please look at it and decide yourself:

Uzunbacak Adem


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