Sunday, June 30, 2019


Heute habe ich 3 indogermanische Wörter aus dem Buch:

"Vergleichendes Wörterbuch der Indogermanischen Sprachen;
by Fick, August, 1890, Göttingen"

Lass uns beginnen:

1. Wort ist: korio: ich setze, stelle, irisch cuirim: to put, cymrisch heb-gor: beistecken, erlassen...

Alttürkisch (und modern Türkisch) koy-: setzen, stellen. 

Wenn ich jetzt "ich stelle" auf Turkish sagen würde, wäre es fast identisch mit: Irisch cuirim (Infinitiv fürs stellen), nämlich "koyarim" :)

2. Wort ist smeru: Fett, Mark. irisch smir, althochdeutsch smero, engl. smear, isländisch smjör: Butter, Schmirgel: griechisch: smyris; italienisch: smeriglio (evtl. zusammenhängend). 

Alttürkisch: semri-: Fett/dick werden. 

Modern Türkisches Wort dafür: semir- (also kaum geändert). Neu Uigurisch: sämri, Tuvisch: semiri, Turkmenisch: semre. Daher Semerkant: die wohlhabende Stadt?

3. Wort ist ogno-s: lamm. irisch uan, uainin, Latein agnellus (nicht angelus), cymrisch oen, cornisch oin...

Alttürkisch: koy, kon(g) (für Schaf), Modern Türkisch: koyun (Schaf).

Proffessor Gülensoy vermerkt was Interessantes: Finnisch Kainalo ist wie Türkisch Koyun, aber beide haben keine Verbindung zu den Schafen. Finnisch Kainalo bedeutet Achselhöhle und Türkisch koyun bedeutet "der Körperbereich zwischen den Armen :)


Today I have 3 indogermanisch words from the book: 

"Vergleichendes Wörterbuch der Indogermanischen Sprachen;
by Fick, August, 1890, Göttingen"

Lets begin:

1. word is: korio, I put. Irish cuirim, to put, cymrish heb-gor: to issue, to pin up. 

Ancient Turkish (and modern Turkish, too) koy-: to put.

When I would say in Turkish: "I put": "koyarim" ist same with irish cuirim (infinitive for to put) :)

2.Word is smeru. fat, fatty, thick;

Irish smir, Oldhighgerman smero, Engl. smear, Islandic smjör: butter.
Emery: Schmirgel, Greek smyris, Italian smeriglio. (Maybe related).

Ancient Turkish: semri: to get fat/thick.

Modern Turkish semir (nearly same, I love Turkish words, they are so conservative). New Uygur: sämri, Tuva: semiri, Turcoman: semre. The city of Semerkand ist maybe that's why "wealthy city", Semer Kent?

3. Word is ogno-s: lamb, irish uan, uainin, Latin agnellus (not angelus), cymrish oen, cornish oin.
Ancient Turkish: koy, kon(g) for Sheep. Modern Turkish: koyun.

Professor Gülensoy writes sth. interesting down: Finnish word Kainalo is like the Turkish Word Koyun, but both of them have nothing to do with lambs. Kainalo means armpit and koyun (2) means the body zone between two arms :)


Bugün 3 tane Hintcermen kelimeye bakacağım. 

Kitabım yine August Fick'in 1890 tarihli Göttingen baskılı Hintcermen dillerinin karşılaştırmalı sözlüğü.


1. kelimemiz korio: koymak demek. 

İrlandaca cuirim, Kumru dilinde heb-gor, aynı anlama gelen kelimeler. Irlandaca kök olan "cuirim" Türkçe "koyarım" la ne kadar benzeşir!

2. kelime smeru, şişman, yağlı ve ilik demek. 

Irlandaca smir, Orta Almanca smero, İngilizce smear. Izlandaca smjör (smyör okunur) tereyağı demek. 

Eski Türkçe kelime semri bunların atası olabilir. Günümüz Türkçesi'ndeki 'semirmek'in eski hali. 

Yeni Uygurcası sämri, Tuvacası semiri, Türkmencesi semer. Semerkent'in adı acaba bundan mı geliyor? iyi beslenen kent veya bakımlı kent anlamında? 

3.kelimemiz ogno-s. Kuzu demek. İrlandaca uan, uainin, Latince agnellus, Kumruca oen, Kornca oin.
Eski Türkçe koy, kon(g) Koyun demek. 

Sayın Profesör Gülensoy kitabında bu kelime ile ilgili ilgimi çok çeken bir bilgi veriyor: Fince kainalo koltukaltı demekmiş, Türkçemizdeki hayvan olmayan koyunla hemen hemen aynı (alla beni pulla beni al koynuna yar'daki anlamında). 

Uzunbacak Adem

Kaynak/Source/Quelle: Köken Bilgisi Sözlüğü - Prof. Dr. Tuncer Gülensoy 
Bild/Pic/Resim: wikipedia

Sunday, June 9, 2019


We go further with the relations between Indo-European and Turkish.
Wir machen weiter mit der Beziehung zwischen Indoeuropäisch und Türkisch.
Türkçe ve Hint-Avrupa dilleri arasındaki benzerliklere devam edelim.

Latein Quatuor
Altirisch Cethir, Cethair
Middle WelshPedwerydd=fourth
Scottish GaelicCeithir
Britisch Petuar
Greek Tettara
Türkisch Dört

Dörte: German name for Women, a short form of Dorothea: Gottesgeschenk, God's Gift.

4 ist heilig, 4 is holy, 4 kutsaldir. 

In Turkish "4" (dört)  comes from "töre-, türe-" meaning to give birth or to breed.
Im Türkischen kommt "4" vom "töre-, türe-"und bedeutet gebären oder sich vermehren.
Türkçe "4" "töre-, türe-" kökünden gelir, doğurmak anlamı vardır. 

But there is another meaning of "4": The holy, the customs, morals, rite
Aber da ist noch eine wichtige Bedeutung von "4", das Heilige, Sitten, Brauch
Ama "4" ün bir önemli anlamı daha vardır ki: kutsal, töre anlamına da gelir.

Sanscrit Dharma, Hebrew Thora and Turkish Töre (Regel, Rule) are similar, too.

Some more Infos about the Numbers?

Some Wiki Information about holy "4"

  • There are four Vedas: Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda.
  • In Puruṣārtha, there are four aims of human life: DharmaArthaKāmaMoksha.
  • The four stages of life Brahmacharya (student life), Grihastha (household life), Vanaprastha (retired life) and Sannyasa (renunciation).
  • The four primary castes or strata of society: Brahmana (priest/teacher), Kshatriya (warrior/politician), Vaishya (landowner/entrepreneur) and Shudra (servant/manual laborer).
  • The swastika symbol is traditionally used in Hindu religions as a sign of good luck and signifies good from all four directions.
  • The god Brahma has four faces.

  • Eid al-Adha lasts for four days, from the 10th to the 14th of Dhul Hijja.
  • There are four Rashidun or Rightly Guided CaliphsAbu BakrUmar ibn al-KhattabUthman ibn Affan and Ali ibn Abi Talib.
  • The Four Arch Angels in Islam are: Jibraeel (Gabriel), Mikaeel (Michael), Izraeel (Azrael), and Israfil (Raphael)
  • There are four months in which war is not permitted: MuharramRajabDhu al-Qi'dah and Dhu al-Hijjah.
  • There are four Sunni schools of fiqhHanafiShafi`iMaliki and Hanbali.
  • There are four major Sunni Imams: Abū ḤanīfaMuhammad ibn Idris ash-Shafi`iMalik ibn Anas and Ahmad ibn Hanbal.
  • There are four books in Islam: Torah, Zaboor, Injeel, Quran.
  • Waiting for four months is ordained for those who take an oath for abstention from their wives.
  • The waiting period of the woman whose husband dies, is four months and ten days.
  • When Abraham said: “My Lord, show me how You give life to the dead,” Allah said: “Why! Do you have no faith?” Abraham replied: “Yes, but in order that my heart be at rest.” He said: “Then take four birds, and tame them to yourself, then put a part of them on every hill, and summon them; they will come to you flying. [Al-Baqara 2:260]
  • The respite of four months was granted to give time to the mushriks in Surah At-Tawba so that they should consider their position carefully and decide whether to make preparation for war or to emigrate from the country or to accept Islam.
  • Those who accuse honorable women (of unchastity) but do not produce four witnesses, flog them with eighty lashes, and do not admit their testimony ever after. They are indeed transgressors. [An-Noor 24:4]




An Inventory of the Ancient Monuments in Wales and Monmouthshire: 
Indo-European Numerals herausgegeben von Jadranka GvozdanovicThe Development of Celtic Linguistics, 1850-1900 herausgegeben von Daniel R. Davis
Vergleichendes Wörterbuch der Indogermanischen Sprachen - August Fick
Türk Dilinin Etimolojik Sözlügü - Eyuboglu

Saturday, June 1, 2019


Woman with Cirrus

Latin Cirrus means, according to wiktionary: 

the fringe of clothes

Both of these points are "turned", and/or "twisted".The word in Turkish for this is "kıvır-" with exactly the same meaning, to turn, to twist. 
Kıvırcık means "curly hair"and the fringe of clothes was made originally from "twisted" threads.
The letter -v- in the middle is not vocalized (emphasized) hardly in Turkish (like English "w") , that is why, the word kıvır is similar to cir-rus (whose etymology remains untold).
The verb kıvır- existed in Ancient Turkish, too.


Latein Cirrus bedeutet, nach wiktionary:

* die Haarlocke
* die Franse

Beide Wörter erinnern uns an das Verb "drehen" or "gedreht".
Dafür gibts im Türkischen das Verb "kıvır-" mit der exakt gleichen Bedeutung.
Kıvırcık bedeutet "der/die mit lockigem Haar" und die Fransen eines Kleinstückes oder Teppichs waren ursprünglich auch "gedreht".
Der Buchstabe -v- (Liese wie englishes "w") wird nicht betont und von daher kann man sagen, dass das Wort kıvır ähnlich ist zum Wort "Cir-rus"(Ein Wort, dessen Etymologie im Dunkeln liegt). Das Verb kıvır- existierte auch im Alttürkischen.


Latince cirrus kelimesinin iki anlamı önemli konumuz için:

* Kıvırcık saç
* Püskül veya saçak (elbise ve/ya halı)

Bu iki kelime de bizi kıvır-mak kelimesine götürür ki, kökeni tam olarak bilinmeyen cirrus kelimesinin kökenini açıklama şansımız olabilir.
Kıvırcık saçın yanında marulu ve koyunu da vardır.
Bu eylemin ortasındaki -v- harfi tam kuvvetli okunmadığından, Latince Cirrus' un Türkçe Kıvır-mak ile ilişkisi olduğunu söyleyebiliriz.
Kıvırmak Eski Türkçemizde de var olan eylemlerden biridir.

Uzunbacak Adem

Carpet Fringe-Teppich Fransen- Sacak - Püskül

Ottoman Pasha with Fringe - Osmanischer Pascha mit Fransen - Apoletlerdeki püsküller de kıvır kıvır

Pics, Bilder, Resimler: wikipedia


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