Saturday, September 25, 2021


 Yıl 2001, 6. ay olmalı.

Babayla Manisa’ya gittiydik. Manisa kebap ısmarladıydı. Senin paran benim memlekette geçmez, dediydi. Manisa doğumlu değildi ama Manisalıydı. Bir işi için devlet dairesine girdiğinde, ordaki bahçedeki ağaçtan bikaç tohum aldıydım. Demek ağaç 20 yaşında.
Evin önünde çok büyüyünce, çalıştığım firmaya hediye ettim. Parkyerine diktik onu kapıcıyla. Akasya türü. Hem sıcağa hem soğuğa dayanıklı. Bir tane daha çıkarmıştım tohumdan da komşuya vermiştim. O da doğaya dikmiş bi süre sonra.Yakında bi yerde. İkisi de hatırlatır bana babamı.

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Akkadian word of the day

Kungu Kungu 1: a kind of house Compare Old Turkish konağ/konğu>konak A place to stay for a short time. Konuk: guest * Kungu 2: a kind of rush(reed) Konak/konag: millet, Timothy(grass) Turkish kaba darı Sources: Gülensoy/


Akkadian words of the evening Kihullû: mourning rites Turkish ağla<yığla/ığla: to cry * Kikkişu: *reed* fence, wall Turkish çit/çik: wall (made of *reed* or thistle)->*reed* wall, fence, pergola


Compare Old Turkish Irak, yırak: distant, far < yıra-: to get away attested on Orhun Stones ‘ırak bodunuğ (ança yağıtur ermiş’): distant nations/clans * And a poem by Karacaoğlan(pic) Source:


Akkadian word of the day itūlu: to sleep (>itil, utul) * Sumerian udi: sleep; to be dazed (Turkish uyuşuk) Source: * Now compare Turkish uyu-: to sleep<Old Turkish udı, udu, odu: to sleep>uyuş>to be dazed Similar? Same?



Akkadian words of the day Harāru: to dig, hollow out . Harāsu: to itch, scratch • Compare Turkish words Kaz-: to dig, hollow out Kaz<*kar (proto Turkic) =Mongolian karu: to dig . Kaşı-: to itch, scratch Meaning ‚to dig’ with a fingernail?


Page 98 Akkadian word of the day Habaru<kabaru: to be thick Habaşu: be distended, be dilated (with joy) Compare with Turkish words: Kaba/r-: to be(come) thick Kaba/gebe: to be distended (Turkish şişik)
Gebe means pregnant: be dilated(with joy Slightly smiling face)? >Gebeş: a person with a fat belly

Turkish gebe - pregnant - 

akkadian Dictionary

Yazmasam olmaz! Akkadian el words of the day: Elénitu: deceitful words? Elenu: above, up to the top, from above Elenu: to east of • Compare Old Turkish word(s)
Ilen-: to blame, curse, reproach Il-k: first, ileri(ilgerü) further, forward Il-gerü: east, to the east (pic2+3)

Uzunbacak Adem



Sidetic Alphabet - Turkish Runes - similarity startling and tantalizing 

Sidetic is a right-to-left alphabet (like Old Turkish) that was used during the 2nd C BC in Side, today‘s Türkiye!

I compared this ‚origin unknown‘ alphabet with Flag of Turkey Runes! Startling similarities! Not only the shape but also the sound. Look at ‚|‘which inTurkish and Sidetic ‚S‘. 

They are the same. or not?


Second alphabet is Karian. A comparison

A comparing list of similar signs of Carian and Turkish Runes. For the Turkish Runes I have the compa list of Rysbek Alimov, with many variations from Tuva, Altai, Koçkor or Orhun Stones

Carian Alphabet versus Turkish Runes


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Akkadian word/s of the day (25 Sept 2021 - Twitter) Piāqum/piqu(pūqu): to make narrow; narrow, tight, strangulation?; piqatu: narrow places * Look at the Old Turkish word

Bük (v)(n): to bend, twist; corner, strangulation, thicket >English 

buxus: German Buchsbaum


2 Hunnic leaders (5. C) whose names are related to horses: Donatus and Charaton: * Donatus from the word 'horse' > yonat - yunt Charaton from the color of the horse - black colored <don: the color of the horse * Turkish language is older than 7th CE!


Akkadian word of the day Pāštu/paltu: axe, adze Look at the Old Turkish word Baltu/paltu: axe, adze Hungarian balta: axe, adze Same? Same. * Read Gülensoy‘s explnation about the etymo of the word!


2. Akkadian word of the evening Parakku: cult dais, sanctuary, chapel, shrine * Look at the Old Turkish word Bark: sanctuary, memorial, monument


Akkadian words of the evening *Pāna u arka* meaning ‚before and behind‘ Look at Old Turkish words *Ön? (ve) arka* meaning ‚before (and) behind‘ 

Same? same...

akkadian pana u arka = Turkish ön ve arka = German vorne und hinten


Akkadian verbs of the day Nakû: to pour, shed tears, shed blood Nâku: to run, go * Compare the (Old & Modern) Turkish verb Ak- 1: to pour, to flow, shed tear, shed blood Ak- 2: to run, to go, to raid, to sweep >Akın: raid


This time a Turkish word in EUROPEAN langs PEKMEZ

Öztürkçe Pekmez’imiz de Türk kültürünün gittiği yere götürülmüştür! Rumanya, Sırbistan ve Macarstan üçgenindeki Banat bölgesinden kişisel bir saptamada görüleceği üzere! Bende katkı: 2 görüş, pekmez’in kelimekökeni hakkında, Eyuboğlu ve Gülensoy 


From Twitter

#Hititçe - Nesili (Hittite) word of the day GIŠ-ei̯an- (n.) a tree (evergreen), perhaps ‘yew’: e-i̯a-an Hittite Etymological Dictionary Jaan Puhvel - Hittite Etymological Dictionary


Compare Old Turkish yığaç ... ağaç << ETü yıġaç ağaç - iǧč /ïɣač All meaning tree or wood /pic 1 * Pic 2 / Sumerian Giş, meaning wood, as prefix for sth made of wood

* How can be denied that Turkish and Akkadian are not related!? Look at the Akkadian word of the day Makru(m) red, red spot, the name of the Planet *Mars* Old Turkish bakır: copper, the name of the Pl. *Mars* Nişanyan himself asks if Bakır is the original version of IndoEuro KPR?


Akkadian word of the day (page 430) Utunu [UDUN] : kiln (a kind of oven)<—-Sumerian * Compare the Turkish/Mongolian words Odun: a tree cut into pieces for burning < od/ot= fire Flag of Mongoliamod=Flag of Turkey odun Flag of Mongoliaod=Flag of United Kingdomstar Flag of Mongoliaoç=Flag of United Kingdomspark


Turkish Rune for Y has the shape of a bow Turkish word for bow = YAY


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  Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft * Mr. Pauly mentions the name of a chieftain of the Germanic tribe called Ch...