Sunday, August 22, 2021


 Akkadian words of the day

(All related) Darku/darû/dārûtu/dūru Compare them with Mongolian ‘’torkaru” meaning to last, without stopping, always >> ~Turkish dur/tur meaning to stop, stand up, stay, to last Torun: grandchild~Later people?

Hititçe - Nesili (Hittite) word: ārš-zi / arš- (Ia4 > Ic1 > Ic2) ‘to flow’: 1sg.pres.act. ar-aš-mi Hittite Etymological Dictionary Jaan Puhvel - Hittite Etymological Dictionary

Compare Turkish ark, meaning canal, river or arık, meaning ditch, trench, Hungarian árok (the same@meaning like in Turkish), Sumerian garim, meaning IRRIGATED fields, meadow! • Sources: Gülensoy + Eyuboğlu


The last Akkadian words of the day: ayyanu/yanu : ayyaka/yaka both meaning 'where'/'whence' (Flagge von Deutschland WO/HER) see Turkish words yan & yak both have to do with a direction/side /'to come nearer' from A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian page 32/33

Akkadian word of the day: Yābu = enemy Compare Old Turkish word Yağu/yağı = enemy Other Flagge der Türkeidialects Caw ǯaw, žaw, zaw Yaw, yav


Akkadian word of the day ašti-alti=(2nd)WIFE / pic1 compare the Turkish word Elti (Wife; Ambassador) OLD Flagge der Türkeifor Wife, acc. to Golden Älti= Wife of Imam (Wolga Bolgarian) pic2 Nisanyan>OldFlagge der Türkeiroot elt-:(to carry)pic3 * Anatolian Flagge der Türkeidialects Elti: 2nd wife(pic4

Missed but now caught! Akkadian word of the day Agu(m): wave, flood • Compare with Flagge der Türkei root Ak-(v): to flow, to stream, >Akın: flood, flow >Akım: stream All are ca. 1000 yo. (From ‚Divanu Lugati’t Türk’, Compendium of the languages of the Turks) Kaşgarlı Mahmut

From Twitter:

Hititçe - Nesili (Hittite) word (UZU)arra- (c.) ‘arse, anus’ (Sum. UZU-GU.DU): ar-ri-iš Hittite Etymological Dictionary Jaan Puhvel - Hittite Etymological Dictionary Hethitisches Zeichenlexikon


Similar to Old Turkish word Arka : back, ark: animal crap • Proto Altaic Ara: back, behind

From Twitter:

Hititçe - Nesili (Hittite) word appa (adv., postpos.) ‘behind, afterwards; back, again, further’ (Sum. EGIR): a-ap-pa ( Sumerian:eĝir; eĝir5(LUM); egir4; eĝir6(MURGU2) "back, rear; after; estate, inheritence" Akk. arkatu )

Akkadian word of the day (W)arkatu(m) after, behind, backside, buttocks; (military) rear guard; … Compare OldFlagge der Türkeiarka back, ridge, dorsal part; (military) supporting unit; buddy * Latin tergus? =rear, the rear part of the body * See pic above for other Akkadian ‚arka’ words

From Twitter:

Hititçe - Nesili (Hittite) word anna-(c.)‘mother’(Sum. AMA, Akk.UMMU) an-na-aš Hittite Etymological Dictionary HITTITE PRAYERS TO THE SUN-GOD FOR APPEASING AN ANGRY PERSONAL GOD A CRITICAL EDITION OF CTH 372–74 Hethitisches Zeichenlexikon

Hittite words of the day: Attaš+Annaš=dad+mom * Compare Flagge der Türkei Ata+Ana=dad+mom ATA means in Hittite Ancestor/Forefather, too(PIC1) like in Turkish, too. * BONUS WORD Hannahanna: name of a Hittite deity meaning great-grandmom (Urgroßmutter) (PIC2) compare Flagge der Türkeianneanne: mom's mom


Akkadian word of the day Baltu - a spiny plant And now compare Flagge der Türkeibaldıran (hemlock) Flagge von Deutschlandbaldrian (valerian) Flagge von Ungarnbojtorján (burdock) Wiki confirms that the Flagge von DeutschlandandFlagge von Ungarnforms have Flagge der Türkeiorigin! (Pic2) I would say, the Akkadian and Turkish ones could be ‘relatives’, too! 


Couple of ideas about Akkadian 1. Akk. Yaşpu: jasper Flagge der TürkeiYeşim?:yaş-ıl: greenGrüner Kreis 2. Akk. yanūqu:lamp? Flagge der TürkeiYan:to burn, to be on fire>yanıkFeuer 3. Akk. waladum:child> wildum:human/animal child Flagge der Türkeibala: human/animal child 4. Akk. uti: (additional) payment Flagge der Türkeiüt- ~ ut-(v) to win a game

From Twitter
Assyrian (Aramaic) topaz-color: zärga ܙܖܓܐ [ zεrɟa ] - (Crystal)
Interesting word! Similar to Turkish sırça, meaning Glas, crystal! Look at Rückhand Zeigefinger nach unten
For Proto-Turkic and Proto-Mongolian roots!


Akkadian word of the day uršānu: warrior,hero * OldFlagge der Türkei uruš-(v) means to fight,to make war <=ur-(v): to hit, to strike uruš(n): "war" in in many Flagge der Türkei langs! Çagatay &Flagge von Aserbaidschanurušan: warrior * a proverb by Kaşgarlı Mahmut (Old Flagge der Türkei) Alplar birle uruşma: Flagge des Vereinigten KönigreichesDon't fight against valliants


Akkadian word of the day! ULLÛ Meaning exalted Now look at the OldFlagge der Türkeiword ULUĞ (Ğ extends the vowel in front of it) Uluğ means *like Akkadian Ullû* exalted, great Flagge der Türkei’Ulu Tanrım’ means ‘my exalted God‘ * Pic2: Eyuboğlu Dictionary


The last but not least Akkadian word of the day: kanāšu: meaning "to gather in" * Old Flagge der Türkei word "kengeş", "keneş" means a "come together" for negotiations( Flagge von DeutschlandZusammenkunft), a gathering, a council. I think we could take the Akkadians into the Turkish Council - Türk "*Keneşi*"

Akkadian / Sumerian word of the day ‚UGU‘ Akkadian: Mother <Sumerian: to bear, to give birth/PIC1 • Now compare Flagge der Türkei ‚ÖG‘ Meaning both what Akkadian & Sumerian words mean Mother and to give birth/PIC2(Eyuboglu) Modern Flagge der TürkeiÖksüz: Motherless


Akkadian words of the day Both on the same page, one after another, with uncertain meaning turubla/turupla: a plant & turunnu: „hen, cock“ ? * On the page 759 of the Flagge der TürkeiEtymo Dict-Gülensoy 2 Flagge der Türkeiwords, on the same page, one after another Proto/OT Turma>turp=radish & Turna: crane


Akkadian word of the day têlu: saying, proverb, pronounciation(Talaffuz) Compare Flagge der Türkeiword De-:(v) to say<Old Flagge der Türkeiti-: to say, to speak Ti-> til (n) the tongue, the language; modern Flagge der Türkeidil

couple of thoughts about Flagge des Vereinigten Königreichescopper/Flagge der Türkeibakır: Nisanyan questions the Flagge der Türkeiorigin of the word and compares to IE root/pic1Denkendes Gesicht * An other the possible Turkish etymology/pic2 * Latin bacar means vine goblet/pic3 * And Flagge des Vereinigten Königreichesbeaker, POSSIBLY Nerd-GesichtDenkendes Gesichtof Greek origin?.

Firm Twitter:

Hititçe - Nesili (Hittite) word tešha- (c.) ‘dream, sleep’ (Sum. Ù): te-eš-ha-aš ( Sumerian : u3 "sleep" Akk. šittu)

In this context the Old Turkish word Tüş>düş, meaning, like the Hittite word itself, dream and sleep (acc. to Nişanyan) would be very similar and interesting! 3 pics from 3 linguists below! Gülensoy, Nişanyan, Eyuboğlu


Akkadian words of the day: Sunnuqu: checked Old Flagge der TürkeiSına-: to check, experience From the root ‘sı-‘ to break That’s why ‘reduced’ and ‘checked’ compatible with each other?(See pic for comparison) * Sunkuršanu: a marsh bird Old Flagge der TürkeiSungur: a kind of falcon Old Hungarian Flagge von UngarnSzongorer:

Info from Twitter:

This word is used in modern Assyrian (Aramaic) as xnìça ܣܢܝܩܐ [ ßnëıqa ] and xnıçta ܣܢܝܩܬܐ [ ßnëıqta ] with meaning of “to be short of” or “needy”.


Akkadian word of the day tabīru: coppersmith tibira: (a version) in the name of citygate of Aššur! Modern Flagge der Türkeidemir: iron Old Turkish temür: iron >Timur is a great lord Flagge des Vereinigten KönigreichesIrongate (Flagge der Türkeidemirkapı) as a name for a citygate is senseful & rational, too!


Akkadian word of the day šuwwurum<šawirum to encircle Modern Flagge der Türkeiçevir OldFlagge der Türkeiçewür meaning to rotate, turn

The Akkadian word of the day šakaru: to be(come) drunk šakiru: drunkard (sarhoş) Compare them to Old Flagge der Türkei Çagır~çakır: wine ->Modern Flagge der TürkeiÇakırkeyif means s/he who is about to be(come) drunk, from the same OT root (keyif is Arabic)!


Akkadian word of the evening in half-time break (Flagge des Vereinigten Königreiches:Flagge von Deutschland) Semėru: to swell up, be swollen, bloated Compare OldFlagge der Türkeisemir-: (v) fatten up, grow fat derived from OldTurkish semiz(n): fat, well fed Semiz~semir-> Semerkant A rich city? The Turks called this city Semizkent(fat city)


#Akkadian verb of the day: Saradum: to tie up/‘pack’ a donkey Old Flagge der Türkeisar-: to tie up, to pack (an animal), to cover, to surround * Akadça eylem saradum: bağlamak, (eşeğe) yük sarmak Eski Flagge der Türkeisarmak: bağlamak ve yüklemek, çevirmek, kaplamak Görseller2-3: Gülensoy/Eyuboğlu


Akkadian qerbītum: centre, interior, womb Acc. to Ligeti> Flagge der MongoleiMongolian qarbisun: the lowest rib-> Flagge der TürkeiKarın: womb * Akk. qerbu/Qarbum: center of a town OT Flagge der TürkeiKarım: fortified place * Akk.garābu: become close OT kar-: to get together Karış-: to fight Karşı: against/to welcome


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