Sunday, August 30, 2020

Kumru-Tuerkentaube-Streptopelia decaocto

today it is about a bird that has a "Turkish" name in many European langauges.
It is Eurasian Collared Dove

It is called 

Türkentaube - German

Tyrkerdue - Danish, Norwegian 

Tortola Turca - Spanish

Tourterelle Turque - French

Turkse Tortel - Dutch

Synogarlica Turecka - Polish

Rola-Turca - Portuguese

Туркаўка кольчатая - Belarussian 

Turzhunel Durk - Breton

Tortora Turca - Catalan

Turkiar Usapal - Basque

Turcadugva - Faroese

Turska grlica - Slovene

Turkinkyyhky - Finnish

Turkduva - Swedish


As you see this bird is a "Turkish" bird. But why?

Because, it came to Europe with Ottoman Turks and the European got to know them with this "Bringer's" Name.

Turkish Dove - Kumru


The beginning of this triumphal march had an end as the Turks lost at the Gates of Vienna, 1683.

As the Turks lost the upper hand, this bird lost its life. 
The European Peoples killed and massacred this animal, because it was a remnant of the Turkish times. So they killed it to extinction.
Because it was the bird of the Turks, it had to be killed to forget the Turkish times.

But now, there are many in Germany where I live, because the Turkish State gave German State after the WW1 many Türkentaube couples for breeding and I see and hear their great children! 

Bonus fact: The Turkish Dove sings "goo-goook-gook" (3 times)
                   The European Dove 5 times "goo-goook-gook-gookgook"

2 links for this issue:



Uzunbacak Adem


Pics: wiki



Now you can see the "Turkish" in the names if this bird below: 

Streptopelia decaocto
Aus Wikimedia Commons, dem freien Medienarchiv
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IOC Classification: DomainEukaryota • RegnumAnimalia • PhylumChordata • SubphylumVertebrata • InfraphylumGnathostomata • SuperclassisTetrapoda • ClassisAves • SuperordoNeognathae • OrdoColumbiformes • FamiliaColumbidae • GenusStreptopelia • Species: Streptopelia decaocto  (Frivaldszky, 1838)

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