Monday, May 18, 2020



a couple of days ago I saw a tweet about Nüshu Alphabet.
It was very interesting, because I immediately recognized many Turkish Runes.
It is a remote region in China, not near to "Turkish" Zone. But how is it possible?

Here below you can see the source of this tweet:

and all the 'letters' you can find here:

But I can show you the pics from Twitter (I hope I may do it).
Yes, you see immediately the Turkish OZ Thamga or swastika, but there are many more.
Look at the manuscript on a paper by me below ( I was so excited so that I couldn't write Turkish right ;) 

Surely there are more common signs between Nüshu and Turkish Runes.

It is possible that Turkish Runes came to region with Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, at least it would be logical. But why the women only wrote this letters, I can not explain. Maybe the patriarchal  system didn't let it be, because it was not Chinese enough and the women are the biggest opponent for their manly system and that's why it became a "secret" script. Who knows!
It would be very interesting project to find it out.

Here some pics from alphabettes website:

For me it was a very interesting and startling similarity.
Was very nice to see the Turkish Runes in a very remote region of the world, where I don't expect.

I think, I am the first one who compares these both scripts.

Uzunbacak Adem

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