Tuesday, May 19, 2020



it is not also fascinating but also exhausting to see/to find the similarities between the alphabets of the regions/folks that are far from each other.

Ich have started on twitter a line of small notice papers.
On these papers below you can see my work of comparison.

I start only with physical comparison and the it gets better and better and you will see that the letters that I later compared have the same sound value, too...

Here we go:

Etruscan Warrior with a sign on his armor

I saw this pic in book "The Buried People, A study of Etruscan World" 

It reminds me of a sign that I know as a Turkish Rune. Here my paper:


There are similar signs in Ancient Iberian, Linear A, Linear B, Turkish Runes in both Yenisey and Orhun, Glozel, Old Hungarian inscriptions.

OK. Maybe they don't have the same sound value, but we must say they are similar.


Second paper of mine was about my favorite sign Turkish (a)nt.
I have already discussed with #crewsproject who works on early writing systems.
((CREWS means Contexts of the Relations between Early Writing Systems)).
Now look at my paper:

The Turkish Runes from Orhun Stones and The Linear A and Linear B are the same.
So, do you think it could be a coincidence?
A line like 'I' we can see in many alphabets because it is very easy to generate but a sign like this Turkish Rune? A circle with 3 dots in it? Can it be a coincidence?

* Officially the Linear alphabets are 2000 years older than the Turkish Runes (I don't think that the Turkish Runes are so young, they must be much older because the signs on the Orhun Stones are not beginner signs, they are perfect).
The @Crewsproject has tweeted that it could be only a coincidence. What do you think?
If we look further at my paper, we find them in Etruscan and Ancient Iberian Alphabets, so that it could be only more interesting.


The third paper was some better because all the signs on it had the sound value 'R'

Look at these:

There are again nearly the same characters we can find in Turkish Runes and Linear alphabets. They have the same shape and same sound value. Still coincidence?
About Glozel we don't know much but the sign is very similar to others.

Kharoshthi is an old Indian Language with a shape that is rounder.
We see all these signs in Eurasian Area. Coincidence?

By the way: The Turkish sign of R has the name 'ER'. Er means the Man since Adam & Eve in Turkish Language. And please look at the first sign on my paper. Do you see the man?


The fourth paper has the sound value 'S'

Besides Issyk and Glozel we know that all the signs on this paper have the same sound value 'S'
When we accept Issyk as a version of Turkish Runes then the ISSYK sign 'I' on my paper could have the same sound value.

But look at again the Turkish Runes and Linear A&B signs. They are the same, aren't they?
Kurmali and Kharoshthi signs are rounder like the other characters from Indian Peninsula, it could be something regional.


now the 5th paper:

Sound Value 'N'

Check this out:

Now we have more than 10 alphabets in Eurasian Area.

one ahead: Kurmali sign is like Turkish (a)nt and have the value n'a, I don't know how I could spell it but it could be a long 'n'.

The others are very similar to each other. Etruscan one needs special care because according to wikipedia there are supposedly 4 signs with the sound value 'K'. Is it possible? That's why I am suspicious about the general consensus/nonsense if 4 K's in Etruscan alphabet and assume the sign ')' could be a 'N'.
Etruscan have maybe 2 N's and 3 K's, it would be more logical, right?
Since we don't know much about Glozel Signs we can only speculate. Ok.


And the sixth and the last one today:

I myself get better when I do further. Ain't I?

Now we have the sound value of 'P'

Look at the first line:
All are the same with the same sound value. How is it possible?
There are maybe 6000 km (surely more) between Orhun Stones und Italian Peninsula, between Ancient Turks and Etruscan. But they are the same.

2nd line:
And there's a nice huge triangle between Phoenician, Yenisey and Oscan Areas.
So how is it possible? Don't we have to accept new ways to understand the development of the alphabetic signs?

Issyk Alphabet is definitely a Turkish one. All the other assumptions are more crazy. There are so many Turkish Runes in there. It must be a Turkish bowl and a Turkish Inscription.

The last line are very interesting, too.
Lepontic,Western Greek and Kharoshthi signs are very similar to each other. An the last but not least The Anglo Saxon Rune is an upside-down of the Turkish ones. Künstlerfreiheit.


Now I am ready to find another similar or same signs in other alphabets.

No more Indo-European understanding of the languages anymore.
A new understanding must be found.

Uzunbacak Adem

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